Pierre Sprey Skewers Chuck Spinny & Stephen Walt — Big Oil, Wall Street, and Military-Industrial Complex Destroying USA

My good friend Pierre Sprey took issue with my characterization of Steven Walt’s critique of US grand strategy as being excellent subject to two omissions.  Attached herewith are Pierre’s comments — they are spot on, and I stand corrected on my characterization of “excellent” … or perhaps more accurately … I stand clearly and fairly …

Core of U.S. Intelligence Functions to Focus on Support to Military Operations (SMO)

President Obama appears to have no interest in the U.S. Intelligence Community (IC) as a source of accurate information for decision making and policy formulation. John Brennan, his counter-terrorism chief and principal advisor on intelligence issues routinely circumvents the IC when the administration needs strategic intelligence to guide its national security deliberations.  During the last …

Defense Insanity: U.S. Military Dependent on Russian Pilots and Planes

Defense Insanity: U.S. Military Dependent on Russian Pilots and Planes By George Landrith May 17, 2011 6:18 am GOPUSA The U.S. is hiring the Russians to deliver sensitive equipment and supplies to our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. Why? Because the U.S. military has a shortage of the highly dependable and amazingly versatile C-17 airlifter …

Bin Laden Show Part 04: President of Pakistan and China Against the Pakistani Military & Tribes

Pakistan did its part By Asif Ali Zardari, Monday, May 2 Although the events of Sunday were not a joint operation, a decade of cooperation and partnership between the United States and Pakistan led up to the elimination of Osama bin Laden as a continuing threat to the civilized world. And we in Pakistan take some …

Right-Sizing the US Military–Doug Macgregor

Although there are important elements I disagree with — in some cases strenuously — US Army Colonel Douglas Macgregor (Ret.) has written an important piece on the fundamental changes and massive budget reductions that are needed to improve America’s ability to survive into the future. Macgregor gets the three essentials right, I believe: 1) the …