Jon Rappoport: What Happened to $2.5 Trillion Allegedly Spent Against Poverty? Is Government a Giant Money-Laundering Scheme?

Is government aid a giant money laundering scheme? Remember something called the War on Poverty? The Great Society? President Lyndon Johnson declared it and announced it in 1965. Since then, the federal government and state governments have poured staggering amounts of dollars into the program. How many dollars? Does anyone know? In his 1992 book, …

Jon Rappoport: Individual versus the State – “Psychological Operations” Since WWII — Is manipulating really better than educating and informating? Who benefits?

The individual vs. the planned society At the outbreak of World War 2, the Council on Foreign Relations began making plans for the post-war world. The question it posed was this: could America exist as a self-sufficient nation, or would it have to go outside its borders for vital resources? Predictably, the answer was: imperial …

Jon Rappoport: USG Ends Rule of Law for Vaccine Malpractice

The vaccine mafia and its jury of thugs: your rulers by Jon Rappoport November 6, 2013 I’ve written several articles on this subject. As vaccine supporters, enthusiasts, liars, and poisoners keep showing up, I’m sure I’ll write several more. Here’s the drill. If a parent believes her child has developed autism as the result …