John Robb: China’s Growing Spy Threat + China RECAP

China’s Growing Spy Threat Alex Newman The Diplomat, 19 September 2011 The Chinese government’s ‘vacuum cleaner’ approach to espionage is worrying foreign governments, companies and overseas dissidents. They’re right to be concerned. Read 5 screen article. Phi Beta Iota:  China graduates more honors students from high school than the USA graduates from high school across …

Review (Guest): Confidence Men – Wall Street, Washington, and the Education of a President

Ron Suskind From Product Description: The new president surrounded himself with a team of seasoned players—like Rahm Emanuel, Larry Summers, and Tim Geithner—who had served a different president in a different time. As the nation’s crises deepened, Obama’s deputies often ignored the president’s decisions—“to protect him from himself”—while they fought to seize control of a …

Luke Stanek: Gary Johnson, the Invisible Candidate

Gary Johnson: The Invisible Man Running for President Luke Stanek Technocrati, September 10, 2011 at 6:13 am The 2012 race for the GOP nomination has been raging lately.  With the entrance of Rick Perry, many media outlets are becoming increasingly excited over the novelty of a new candidate.  What about the novelty of unique ideas? Governor …

Owl: Obama Feared Coup in 2008 if Prosecutions of Bush Team, CIA, NSA Went Forward

Some insights into how Obama team perceived their vulnerability if they went after war crimes during the Bush era. Obama Team Feared Coup If He Prosecuted War Crimes By Andrew Kreig OpEdNews, 7 September 2011 President-Elect Obama’s advisers feared in 2008 that authorities would oust him in a coup and that Republicans would block his …