Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Government Secret Intelligence

Updated 22 July 2019 SHORTCUT: http://tinyurl.com/Steele-Spy-Reviews A fraction–the most relevant, from Intelligence (Government/Secret)  (408).  Does not include Information Operations (154), Information Society (247), Information Technology (118), or Misinformation & Propaganda (242). Does not include Intelligence (Collective & Quantum) (114), Intelligence (Commercial) (90), Intelligence (Extra-Terrestrial) (24), Intelligence (Public) (326), Intelligence (Spiritual) (6), Intelligence (Wealth of Networks) …

Search: Madeline Albright Gerbils on a Wheel

The quote, “We’re just gerbils running on a wheel,” from Madeline Albright, is found on page 409 of David Halberstam’s War in a Time of Peace. Review: War in a Time of Peace–Bush, Clinton, and the Generals

Dolphin: USA’s First Coast to Coast Climate Network

Construction of nation’s first coast-to-coast climate network begins KSL.Com, August 7th, 2011 By Geoffrey Fattah< LOGAN — Imagine being able to put your fingers on the pulse of America’s biosphere — keeping real-time track of weather, water/soil temperature, animal populations and much more. Armed with this information, scientists would be able to detect sudden shifts …