NIGHTWATCH: China Visits Russia, Both Tell US To Shut Up and Back Off — In Simpler Terms, Russia Owns the North, China Owns the South, India and Iran Are Contained

China-Russia: Xinhua published today a summary of President Xi Jinping’s remarks for different audiences in Moscow. “During talks with President Vladimir Putin at the Kremlin on Friday, Chinese President Xi stressed that China and Russia are each other’s major and most important strategic cooperative partners, and both accord priority to deepening their comprehensive strategic cooperative …

NIGHTWATCH Plus: North Korea — US B-52 Follies, NK Threatens US Bases in Pacific, Crashes SK Networks

B-52’s & NK Counter-Threat In Show of Force, US Bomber Trains Over S. Korea North Korea: B-52 flights an ‘unpardonable provocation’ North Korea threatens US Pacific bases over B-52 flights NK Cyber-Attack on SK?  [Israel also suspect] South Korean TV networks and banks suffer computer crashes after suspected cyber-attack from the North NIGHTWATCH North Korea: …

Paul Craig Roberts: Iraq Invasion at 10 Years — The legacy of “the war on terror” is the death of liberty.

March 19, 2013. Ten years ago today the Bush regime invaded Iraq. It is known that the justification for the invasion was a packet of lies orchestrated by the neoconservative Bush regime in order to deceive the United Nations and the American people. The US Secretary of State at that time, General Colin Powell, has …

Winslow Wheeler: Iraq Invasion at 10 Years — Learning from the Past

The media is doing its usual vapid tour of the 10th “anniversary” of the American invasion of Iraq. Far better to consider how the nation permitted the disgrace to happen. Mike Lofgren cites three important lessons to learn. For myself, I believe it most important to consider the domestic politics and careerist posturing that drives …

Mini-Me: Reports Sights France and Turkey In An Assassination Plot On Assad

Huh? Reports Sights France and Turkey In An Assassination Plot On Assad A Lebanese news website says it has obtained a documentary movie revealing a plot hatched by French and Turkish spy agencies to assassinate Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Lebanese Asianews website says the movie, which has been produced by the well-known Syrian media activist …

Patrick Meier: Next Generation Humanitarian Technology

Keynote: Next Generation Humanitarian Technology I’m excited to be giving the Keynote address at the Social Media and Response Management Interface Event (SMARMIE 2013) in New York this morning. A big thank you to the principal driver behind this important event, Chuck Frank, for kindly inviting me to speak. This is my first major keynote since …

Penguin: US Secret Agency Language Priorities

Deja vu, n’est pas? IC Virtual Career Fair: Priority Languages by Agency Phi Beta Iota. Below the line is the actual priority chart.  The FBI is fishing for everything but probably not serious.  CIA and NSA are still focused on Priority 1 and ignoring everything else.