David Swanson: Obama’s 4th Amendment Speech Deceitful, Even His Fans Are Dismayed

Even Obama Fans Aren’t Pretending That Was a Good Speech President Barack Obama gave a eulogy for the Fourth Amendment on Friday, and not even his fans are proclaiming victory.  In this moment when Obama is actually doing one thing I agree with (talking to Iran), more and more people seem to be slowly, agonizingly …

Greg Palast: Why are Christie and the Kochs in my driveway? It’s time to subpoena the Committee for Our Children’s Future

Why are Christie and the Kochs in my driveway? It’s time to subpoena the Committee for Our Children’s Future By Greg Palast for Truthout Thursday, 16. January 2014 Far more insidious, more corrosive and dangerous than the Governor of New Jersey playing traffic warden is the story of Gov. Chris Christie’s secret meetings with a …

Event: 1 Mar 14 Registration Closes 7 Mar 14 Amsterdam ‘Social Media Intelligence (SocMint): Intelligent? No Borders? The Egg of Columbus? Raising Expectations? Risks, Challenges and Opportunities?’

‘Social Media Intelligence (SocMint): Intelligent? No Borders? The Egg of Columbus? Raising Expectations? Risks, Challenges and Opportunities?’ Netherlands Intelligence Studies Association (NISA) Stichting Inlichtingenstudies Nederland http://www.nisa‐intelligence.nl/ Conference organised by the Netherlands Intelligence Studies Association on 7 March 2014 at the Royal Netherlands Navy Barracks Kattenburgerstraat 7 te 1000 BA Amsterdam. Note: at the entrance identification …

2014 Intelligence Reform (All Others)

SHORT URL: http://tinyurl.com/2014-Intel-Reform Under Construction – Send Nominations to robert.david.steele.vivas@gmail.com Updated 23 Jan 2014 14:58 E Phi Beta Iota: The current literature on intelligence reform is underdeveloped and under-specified.  An example of this under- or mis-specification can be seen in the treatment of 9/11. The dominant position that 9/11 was an intelligence failure is correct …

Steven Levy: 2 Hours with NSA Chiefs — They Are a) Suffering Cognitive Dissonance and b) Seriously Pissed-Off

I Spent Two Hours Talking With the NSA’s Bigwigs. Here’s What Has Them Mad By Steven Levy WIRED, 01.13.14 EXTRACT: I talk about that session in my story, but let me note a few general takeaways: The dual mission of the NSA generates cognitive dissonance. Right on its home page, the NSA says its core …