Stephen E. Arnold: IBM Watson Dreams of Beating Google and Apple — Without a Clue

More Watson Nuggets Fast Company published “IBM’s Watson For Business: The $1 Billion Siri Slayer.” The write offers some nuggets of information that convert Watson from search system into the next Apple or Google. Frankly I find this notion somewhat amusing. The story reports this interesting assertion, “IBM wants to transform Watson into a Siri …

2014 Rethinking National Intelligence — Seven False Premises Blocking Intelligence Reform

Is this the year in which populism defeats the two-party system, when the US stops borrowing to finance waste, and when the NSA debacle outrages the American people to the point that they call for a radical overhaul of the government? – DOC (12 Pages): Rethinking Intelligence 2.3 This post is available for complete re-posting …

Jim Dean: Zionist Penetration of US Academia — Boycott by ASA, Counter-Attack, Need for Religious Counterintelligence Most Urgent

Academic Zionist agents in US go public It seems that the American Studies Association’s (ASA) boycott resolution vote has rattled the Zionist cages. They have proved that Veterans Today was right with our claim that academic espionage was one of the key areas where Israeli intelligence has invested major resources for a long time. The …