Otto Scharmer: Post-Truth, Post-Democracy, Post-Human – How You Can Reconnect and Transform

How to Access Your Curiosity, Compassion, and Courage We all face the abyss of three great divides: ecological, social, spiritual. Post-Truth: Trapped in fake news digital echo chambers. You can’t know, nobody knows. Post-Democracy: Families, communities, societies breaking apart. You can’t connect, nobody can. Post Human: Lost connection and agency. You can’t transform, nobody can. …

Amazon Kindle: Koreas Unite, Denuclearize, Middle East Next – After a Global Financial Reset – Ideas for Iran (Trump Revolution Book 29)

This thirteen page document with 35 endnotes and close to 50 links, discusses the elements of the global financial reset that is occurring this week, and that will set the stage for a “big fix” in the Middle East. It provides a strategic information operations concept for Iran to consider that stomps down hard on …