Search: osint cycle

Most interesting.  This is two different concepts that need to be broken out. Intelligence Cycle with Open Source Intelligence (OSINT). When used as a stand-alone discipline–OSINT is the only all-source intelligence discipline that is ALSO a “full-spectrum” multi-INT in its own right with commercial imagery, commercial signals monitoring, commercial measurement & signatures–the OSINT “cycle” is …

Search: jack davis analytical support for peace

This really should be two searches. Seaching for Jack Davis yields: Who’s Who in Public Intelligence: Jack Davis Search: jack davis and his collected memoranda o Search: The Future of OSINT [is M4IS2-Multinational] Graphic: The UN and the Eight Tribes of Intelligence Searching for analytic support for peace yields: Journal: Haiti–Ready for a Rapid-Response Open-Source-Intelligence-Driven …

Review: The Idea that is America–Keeping Faith With Our Values in a Dangerous World

Best of Intentions, Good Individual Effort, February 20, 2010 Anne-Marie Slaughter Now that my own book INTELLIGENCE for EARTH: Clarity, Diversity, Integrity, & Sustainaabilty is at the printer am back into reading and really looking forward to catching up with the 25 books on my “to do” shelf. This one jumped to the top of …

Search: memetic leadership design

Wonderful serach.  We have some graphics and some books, and a couple of external links for you. Top Recommendations: Graphic: Six Circles–Earth Intelligence Network Operational Concept Graphic: Epoch B Multinational Network Rising Graphic: Open Everything Review: Evolutionary Activism by Tom Atlee Review: Nonzero–The Logic of Human Destiny Review: The Compassionate Instinct–The Science of Human Goodness …