Afghanistan War Wealth + Corruption Cycle (Opium, Hashish, Minerals, Past Pipeline Attempts)

Talk of wealth from minerals by US geologists and Pentagon personnel add to the darkening view that those involved in war, corruption and disregard for the people of Afghanistan (and sacrificed soldiers + more to be sacrificed) will prosper… + Opium = supplies 90% of crop source for heroin (president Karzai’s brother links to heroin …

Joseph Stiglitz, Bank Secrecy, Corruption, and Financing of Atrocities

Video: Joseph Stiglitz talks about offshore tax evasion (3:18 point of the video Stiglitz mentions an August 2001 veto by the Bush administration on an OECD bank secrecy reduction convention). Prof. Stiglitz is a Nobel Laureate, former Chief Economist of the World Bank and former head of the Council of Economic Advisors to President Clinton. …

Review (Guest): Gusher of Lies–The Dangerous Delusions of Energy Independence

Author Robert Bryce 25 of 26 people found the following review helpful: Energy Independence, Alchemy and Perpetual Motion, September 23, 2008 By  Scrutinizing Consumer (Los Angeles, CA) – See all my reviews    “A Gusher of Lies” is a must-read for those wanting the cold, hard facts on the current state and future prospects of …

Journal: Euro’s Crisis Has American Fingerprints

Posted on May 11, 2010 By William Pfaff The obituaries written of the European currency, the euro, have demonstrated divergences in national and cultural temperaments, the European funereal and laden with gloom about the future, but unyielding, and the American and British cheerfully and self-satisfiedly shoveling earth onto a casket of euros already six feet …

Journal: Eurozone – The Kitchen Sink Goes In – Now It’s All About Solvency

      EuroZone All In By Peter Boone and Simon Johnson, Baseline Scenario, 10 May 2010       The eurozone self-rescue plan announced last night has three main elements: At first pass this package might seem to be in with what we recommended But the European central banks have come in very early …