Mini-Me: Army of Unemployed Persistent Structural Issue

Army of unemployed is now entrenched in U.S. Commentary: Structural woes in economy creating ‘permanent underclass’ Howard Gold Wall Street Journal, 14 October 2011 The public knew this much earlier than economists or pundits did, and as for politicians — don’t ask! . . . . . Listen to Charles Plosser, president of the Federal …

#OWS Letter Seeking Eviction of OWS in NYC (sic)

This was mis-named.  It actually seeks help working through and around the occupying force.  Evidently the company has not actually approached the occupants themselves about sweeping through the area without confrontation. Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly New York City Police Department One Police Plaza Room 1400 New York, New York 10038 Facsimile: (646) 610-5865 Dear Commissioner …