Jesse Ventura: On the Air About JFK Assassination

Jesse Ventura on JFK Assassination The Unexplained (Podcast) Edition 132 Discusses Richard Nixon saying Warren Commission was biggest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people, and death-bed confession of E. Howard Hunt including entire CIA chain of command in support of the assassination. Discusses CIA use of fast-moving cancer to attempt to kill Castro, to …

Penguin: Book Review by Andrew Bacevich — Thank You For Your Service [The Unraveling]

Book review: ‘Thank You for Your Service’ by David Finkel By Andrew Bacevich Andrew J. Bacevich teaches at Boston University. His new book is “Breach of Trust: How Americans Failed Their Soldiers and Their Country.” Nominally a sequel to The Good Soldiers, his 2009 account of an American infantry battalion at war in Iraq, David …

4th Media: EXPOSED – Thai “Independent” Newspaper Funded by US Government [Good Intentions, Rotten Incoherent Conops]

EXPOSED: Indy “Newspaper” Funded by US Government Deep network uncovered as fake “indy” rag is forced to disclose funding. Note: A copy of Prachatai’s recent disclosure can be found here. Editor’s Addition: A conflict of interest occurs “when an individual or organization is involved in multiple interests, one of which could possibly corrupt the motivation for …

Chuck Spinney: Sy Hersh Channels John Boyd, Chuck Highlights Hersh

In identifying “difficult subordinates who should have been promoted, I should have included Colonels Doug Macgreagor and Jim Burton and especially Major Don Vandergriff.  Sorry for the omission CS note – Hersh channels John Boyd* : my comments are inserted in “blue” [italics]   my added emphasis to Sy’s words in bold black.  Of course, this …

Owl: Hedges, Others, Predict US Financial Collapse in 2014

Collapse is Soon, says Hedges, and Others Predict it for 2014 “It is estimated that total derivative exposure of the financial system is between one quadrillion and one and a half quadrillion. A quadrillion is 1,000 trillion dollars and it has largely collapsed.The entire Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of all the world’s countries in 2011 …

Open Mind: CIA PSYOP Against US Public – Labeling Truth-Seekers as “Conspiracy Theorists?”

CIA Responsible For Labeling Honest Research Into Finding the Truth As “Conspiracy Theories” Boy does this article by Foster  Gamble fit on this blogsite.  For more than 40 years anyone attempting to find out the truth about anything that the “controllers” wanted to keep secret, was labeled a “conspiracy theorist”.  Of course, then, propaganda was used …