Marcus Aurelius: Pipe Dreams and the Lack of Integrity — How to Lose Two Wars at Great Expense

For those who have not seen from one of the Army’s premier thinkers.  Opposition rebuttal follows from a consistent defense naysayer.The issues can also be framed in a couple of other ways, from the conventional and special operations perspectives: CONVENTIONAL:  “Wars may be fought with weapons, but they are won by men.  It is the …

Search: phd topics on the role of intelligence in peace support operation + Peacekeeping RECAP

Had to Stop.  WordPress Cannot Handle So Many Links, and Entire Phi Beta Iota Site is About Peace and Prosperity Through Intelligence with Integrity.  Links Below Line Estimated 25% of Relevant Links Across all 12,000+ Posts. Excellent search and badly needed PhD thesis that could “write the book” on the role of intelligence in support …

Berto Jongman & Jan Rappoport: Question Authority? You Must Be Crazy.

In the Dutch media there wqs a discussion today about an opinion poll about support for conspiracy theories organized by a Dutch university research group. The researchers used the same arguments as in the NYT piece. If you ask sensible questions and don’t believe the official narrative you must be crazy and have low self …

Owl: Why Obama Will Survive Five Scandals, Persist on Syria, & Risk WWIII

The real story here is not whether Obama will survive five Watergate-type scandals, but it is rather about his response to scandals in his administration will lead to WWIII. Here are key take-aways from this first article: “In the last eight months, I have repeated the mantra that most of what drives this government today …

Mini-Me: Former Leader of Guatemala Is Guilty of Genocide Against Mayan Group – US Leaders Should Note….

Huh? Former Leader of Guatemala Is Guilty of Genocide Against Mayan Group GUATEMALA CITY — A Guatemalan court on Friday found Gen. Efraín Ríos Montt, the former dictator who ruled Guatemala during one of the bloodiest periods of its long civil war, guilty of genocide and crimes against humanity. Judge Yasmín Barrios sentenced General Ríos …

Michelle Monk: PROOF of 1400+ ELITE resignations, mass arrests, retirements

PROOF of 1400+ ELITE resignations, mass arrests, retirements  This post has been rewritten and is being updated.  I’m looking for help, and if you want to take over completely, or help partially, that’d be awesome.. I’m getting tired; this “job” has a high turnover rate.  Right now, I’m mostly taking a break. The link for …