United Nations: Advance Report on Human Rights in Palestinian Territories (Israel Continues to Deny Direct Access to the Special Rapporteur)

Seventy-second session                     Item XX of the provisional agenda* Promotion and protection of human rights: human rights situations and reports of special rapporteurs and representatives Situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967** Note by the Secretary-General The Secretary-General has the honour to transmit to the General Assembly the report of the Special …

Yoda: Post-Google Internet? Recursive InterNetwork Architecture (RINA) UPDATE 1

Tip of the Hat to Alert Reader. An alternative (post-Google) Internet appears to be emerging.  It is called the Recursive InterNetwork Architecture. It is more secure and reliable than the current internet which is based on the TCP/IP protocol suite. Dr. John Day of Boston University discovered/invented it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recursive_InterNetwork_Architecture_(RINA) http://rina.tssg.org/docs/RINA_poster_A1-v2.pdf http://csr.bu.edu/rina/ http://pouzinsociety.org/ UPDATE 1 Alert …

NEW: International Centre for Peace Studies and Diplomacy Opened in Seychelles

For immediate release! International Peace Centre opened in Seychelles The Centre is named after the late Founding President of Seychelles Sir James Mancham Victoria, Seychelles – International Centre for Peace Studies and Diplomacy named after the late Seychelles Founding President Sir James Mancham has been officially inaugurated on Eden Island, near the capital Victoria.

Stephen E. Arnold: Google Invests in Robot Reporters — Where’s the Truth?

Google Invests in Robot Reporters People fear that robots will replace them in the workforce, but reporters did not have to deal with this worry.  Machines lack the capability to write cohesive news pieces, except that robots are getting smarter.  Google might become the bane of news reporters, because of Business Insider shares that, “Google …

Steve Bhaerman: Beyond Resistance A Chance for We the People to #UNRIG a Fixed Game

Beyond Resistance A Chance for We the People to #UNRIG a Fixed Game What you resist persists. Ever since I first began studying perennial philosophy back in the late 1970s, I’ve been hearing this little mantra, and I have found it to be true. The more we — to use the words of Abraham / …