Journal: Dean Breaks with Obama, Third Party Rumbles

Dean says kill the Senate health bill: report Dean tells Good Morning America that he thinks health bill should be scrapped: Video at bottom WASHINGTON — Following the jettisoning of both the public option and the Medicare buy-in provision, one of the nation’s leading progressive voices on health care reportedly said Tuesday that the Senate …

Journal: Weak Signals–Death of Osama Bin Laden & 9/11

Special Report: YEARS OF DECEIT: US OPENLY ACCEPTS BIN LADEN LONG DEAD BIN LADEN NEVER MENTIONED IN McCHRYSTAL REPORT OR OBAMA SPEECH “HUNT FOR BIN LADEN” A NATIONAL SHAME By Gordon Duff/STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor Conservative commentator, former Marine Colonel Bob Pappas has been saying for years that bin Laden died at Tora Bora and that …

Journal: Weak Signals–Civil War in the USA?

Missouri Billboard Warns: “Prepare For War” Against Government (12 December 2009) A new billboard off of Interstate 70 in Missouri provides a short “citizens guide to REVOLUTION of a corrupt government” and issues a call to “PREPARE FOR WAR.” This billboard replaces one that warned that the socialist “Obama-Nation” is “coming for you.” It’s unclear …