Marcus Aurelius: Manifesto on Behalf of the Second Amendment

Provided by a retired Marine colonel and apparently written by a former Servicemember and/or law enforcement officer, following is among  very best articles on Second Amendment issue that I’ve ever read.)  Snell: Waking the dragon — How Feinstein fiddled while America burned By Barry Snell, | Posted: Friday, May 3, 2013 12:00 am Along with …

Gordon Duff: Col James Hanke, USA (Ret) on Five False Flags in USA, Dick Cheney Rogue Chain of Command into JSOG, and Bi-Furcated USG (Both Dual Chains of Command & Competing Rogue Elements) + Boston Meta-RECAP + 5 Comments

WARNING NOTICE:  We have no direct knowledge.  We pray the FBI does its job and gets it right.  In time the truth will reveal itself. Former Army Spymaster Cites “Bifurcated” US Government in False Flag Terrorism by  Gordon Duff, Senior Editor Yesterday, during a radio talk show hosted by Mike Harris with Dr. James Fetzer …

SchwartzReport: Tom Engelhardt — No Longer in Search of Enemies — We Have Created Them and Turned the World Against the USA

Here is a brilliant essay on the endless wars that enrich the few, and destroy the lives of many, and drain our treasury of the money we should be using to prepare our society for the world that is coming. We are destroying ourselves because we cannot mount the political will to demand life affirming …

Winslow Wheeler: Marine Corps and the F-35 — Outright Lies, Deception, and a Total Lack of Intelligence with Integrity

Marine F-35 Jump-Jet PR: Caveataxpayer Emptor By Winslow Wheeler  March 27, 2013 The Marines issued a flashy press release last week: “first operational F-35B conducts initial Vertical Landing.” It was an amateurish, somewhat slimy piece of hype.In one important way, the press release contradicted itself, and in another it inadvertently revealed one of the many …

Theophillis Goodyear: The GOP Digs America a Deeper Grave

I agree the two parties have become virtually indistinguishable in many respects. But the Republican Party is far more dangerous, in my opinion. And I think Democrats kowtow to big business interests and the Military Industrial Complex mainly because they are more or less forced to if they want to be able to consistently challenge …

Call for Papers: Future of Multilateralism in Governance and Regulation of Communications

Opportunity to showcase your research on the Future of Multilateralism in the Governance and Regulation of Communications Special issue call for papers from Info Special call for papers on Multilaterism in the governance and regulation of communications More about the special issue The editor of info invites you to submit a paper to a forthcoming …

Mongoose: 9/11 Treason, Plain and Simple? — The Answers — Including Nuclear — Keep Coming to the Surface — Rumsfeld-Cheney Key, But Subordinate to Bush Senior and a Financial Cabal

From a human source I’ve named SLOW PITCH.  Original World Trade Center was built in 1966-1967.  Larry Silverstein was present at the creation, including the six story underground footings that may or may not have included an “end of life” explosive solution.  Personally I doubt the nuclear option as a one-size solution.  Much more likely …