John Maguire: An Evolving Systems Analysis of Sandy Hook

An Evolving Systems Analysis of Sandy Hook Sandy Hook in a New Light: Lately I find myself attempting to fit both personal experience and global events into a General Systems framework. General Systems Theory is an interdisciplinary field of inquiry pioneered by biologist Karl Ludwig von Bertalanffy. It seeks to expound principles that are applicable to …

Patrick Meier: Does Big Data Lead to a Knowledge Society? No.

Big Data for Development: From Information to Knowledge Societies? Unlike analog information, “digital information inherently leaves a trace that can be analyzed (in real-time or later on).” But the “crux of the ‘Big Data’ paradigm is actually not the increasingly large amount of data itself, but its analysis for intelligent decision-making (in this sense, the term ‘Big …

Mini-Me: Carnal Knowledge of LBJ, CIA, Big Oil Et Al

Huh? UNDER CONSTRUCTION 2012-03-07  Lyndon Johnson was bisexual and he had sex with his grandmother – Ray Hill read LBJ’s sexual history interview at the Kinsey Institute in the mid 1960’s 2012-10-16  Madeleine Brown, LBJ & Driskill Hotel – 12/31/63 2012-01-28  Bibliography of 1000 Books to read on the JFK Assassination, aka 1963 Coup d’Etat …

Mini-Me: NRA President Hints at Impeachment Over Gun Control Legislation

Huh? Keene to Newsmax: Obama Presidency ‘At Risk’ If He Acts Alone on Gun Ban National Rifle Association President David Keene tells Newsmax that President Obama could be violating the Constitution if he circumvents Congress and imposes gun control by executive order — and his presidency will be “at risk” if he proceeds. Keene also …

Tom Atlee: Citizen Wisdom Councils – OUR Treasure

An unsung treasure for facilitators and civilizations Back in the mid-90’s I discovered Jim Rough’s Wisdom Council format and began promoting it through my network as a way to increase the co-intelligence of a community. I loved the design of it – every 3-12 months randomly selecting one or two dozen ordinary people to reflect …