2014 Robert Steele Answers to Richard Olivier on 21st Leadership with Annotated Bibliography & Links

2014 ANSWERS Robert Steele to Richard Olivier of Findhorn on Leadership for the 21st Century • What do 21st century leaders need to know and who do they need to be? • How can we develop these capacities? • What, on a systemic level, is blocking the needed leadership evolution? • What is missing from …

Reflections: Paradise Found – Redefining Prosperity

Profit is Sustainable – If You Build Upon Intelligence with Integrity There are so many success stories today on the edges of the economy and society – EcoVillages, Transition Towns, and Intentional Communities among them – but the core concept of sustainable profit consistent with social and ecological integrity has yet to go mainstream. At …

ANSWERS to Spanish Dancer on CIA and SOF Replacing Conventional Forces

My Masters is focused on Strategic Studies and International Security and my thesis is about the relevance of the black-ops (paramilitary) to the detriment of the conventional military operations in America´s foreign policy. Basically I argue (due to literature that I´ve been revising for more than a year) that it is a fact that since …

Robert Steele: Rebuilding National Intelligence – A 12-Step Plan

Rebuilding National Intelligence – A 12-Step Plan Why Barack Obama, Joe Biden, John Kerry, and Chuck Hagel Need to THINK….now. Robert David STEELE Vivas OpEdNews, 27 July 2014 DOC (21 Pages): Steele Rebuilding National Intelligence 1.9 SHORT URL: http://tinyurl.com/Steele-12-Steps As we begin the final two and a half years (less seven days) of the Obama-Biden …