DefDog: Benghazi: No Intelligence, No Integrity, No Answers PLUS Planted Story in Washington Times?

Integrity lost….again. TRR: Is a General losing his job over Benghazi? Washington Times, 28 October 2012 Is an American General losing his job for trying to save the Americans besieged in Benghazi? This is the latest potential wrinkle in the growing scandal surrounding the September 11, 2012 terrorist attack that left four men dead and President …

Steve Aftergood: Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals Deepens Its Lack of Integrity – “Negative Reciprocity” Means Unsigned Unsworn Summary Statements from CIA — Itself Notorious –Can Kill a Contractor’s Career – UPDATED

“NEGATIVE RECIPROCITY” EMERGES IN THE SECURITY CLEARANCE SYSTEM In the world of security clearances for access to classified information, the term “reciprocity” is used to indicate that one executive branch agency should ordinarily recognize and accept a security clearance that has been granted by another executive branch agency. This is not just a nice, cost-efficient …

Chuck Spinney: Predictable Meltdown in Afghanistan – Strategic Decrepitude and Lack of Integrity Go Hand in Hand

The below BBC report, Afghanistan’s ‘green on blue’ collapse of trust,  places the fatal flaw in the McChrystal plan used by Mr. Obama to justify the Afghan surge in 2010 — namely General McChrystal’s failure to examine the strengths and weaknesses of the plan to rapidly build up the Afghan Army/police — into sharp relief. This …

NIGHTWATCH: Failure of Strategic Integrity in USA Kills Troops in Afghanistan

Afghanistan-NATO: The withdrawal of Western forces from Afghanistan could come sooner than expected, according to NATO Secretary General Rasmussen. He conceded that the recent Taliban strategy of ‘green on blue’ killings had been successful in sapping NATO morale. In an interview with The Guardian Rasmussen acknowledged he felt pressure for a faster withdrawal from Afghanistan …

Winslow Wheeler: Defense Budget Rhetoric Lacking Integrity

Those arguing for more defense spending lean heavily on misinformation to make their case; many of the critics–previously including myself–have relied on myth.  The first of a two part series starts today in Time’s Battleland blog at  Tomorrow’s piece probes further into the myth of American military superiority by looking into one of its prime …