Worth a Look: Citizens, Banks, and Coal Mining

Phi Beta Iota: We decided to post a long email about helping a major international bank decide not to fund mountaintop removal coal projects for the following reasons: 1)  It illustrates the emergent power of focused citizen advocacy. 2)  It documents the modified behavior of select major banks. 3)  It highlights the complete fragmentation of …

Video: Visions of the Gamepocalypse, Possible Futures, Waking Up, Thinking, and Creating a Better World

Jesse Schell: Visions of the Gamepocalypse Hosted by The Long Now Foundation This is a provoking and entertaining presentation. After the short video called “Pixels” prior to the presentation, Jesse Schell starts off with what if life becomes, not Orwellian, but Huxleyan (Brave New World) where pleasure achieved through technology grips the whole lives of …