Changes in the Social Media Monitoring Field

Changes in the Social Media Monitoring Field A recent move by social media monitoring firm DataSift has Business2Community contemplating “The Stratification of Social Media Listening.” DataSift is now working with Tumblr to distribute that site’s content to subscribers, and writer Mike Moran takes the occasion to discuss ways social media monitoring has changed since he …

SchwartzReport: Could Libertarian Party Rise from the Ashes of a Divided Republican Party (The Rich and the Insane?)

Here is an excellent fact-based assessment of what has happened to the Republican Party. It confirms what I have been saying for several years now, and presents the facts as to why I think these gerrymandered districts — the Suicide Caucus, as Lizza calls it — are going to present a permanent minority. And why …

Maj (P) Jeff Bordin Receives Bronze Star for Green on Blue Study Leading to 80% Reduction in ISAF Deaths from Insider Attack

CITATION TO ACCOMPANY THE AWARD OF BRONZE STAR TO MAJOR JEFFREY T. BORDIN, UNITED STATES ARMY Citation: Major Jeffrey T. Bordin, United States Army, distinguished himself by exceptionally meritorious service while deployed in support of OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM and Overseas Contingency Operations as the Center for Army Lessons Learned Liaison Officer assigned to Afghanistan, from …

Afghanistan Reaching for Cricket World Cup — Whips Kenya, One Game to Go

Afghanistan Targeting 2015 Cricket World Cup Posted by: Channels Television Posted date: October 01, 2013 In: Sports | comment : 0 Comments Afghanistan can qualify for the 2015 Cricket World Cup if they beat Kenya on Wednesday October 2nd   and Friday October 4th in the final two games at the World Cricket League Championship in …