4th Media: US Government Arms and Protects Sinaloa Cartel’s Control of 80% of US Cocaine — Based in — Wait for It — Chicago

Nations Largest Cocaine Smuggler Revealed: The DEA Newly released documents, and testimony from Justice Department and DEA officials now show the stories of government running cocaine are true. An investigation conducted in Mexico found the American government allowed that country’s largest drug cartel, Sinaloa, to operate without fear of persecution. That groups is estimated to …

NIGHTWATCH: IAEA Passes Iran Nuclear

Iran: For the record. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said in a report passed to member states that Iran “has ceased enriching uranium above five percent” fissile purity at the Natanz and Fordo facilities. The report also said that Iran was also converting its stockpile of medium-enriched uranium into uranium oxide, a diluted form.

SchwartzReport: West Virginia Atrocity Spill Shows Zero Safety Oversight in 20 Years

Here is a very important essay about the lessons to be learned from the West Virginia spill, a story that has gotten remarkably little in-depth coverage by the corporate media. I read today that the supposedly safe water trucks that have been bringing water to the people in fact having been filling from the same …

Beatrice Giblin: The Conflicts in the World – A Geopolitical Approach

Béatrice Giblin is a geographer and Professor of Geopolitics. She is teaching at Paris 8 University (former experimental center of Vincennes). Professor Giblin is the founder of the French Institute of Geopolitics (2002) that she headed for ten years. Moreover, she is Head of the geographical and geopolitical magazine Hérodote, founded by Yves Lacoste whom …