Berto Jongman: Gray Work – Confessions of an American Paramilitary Spy

Can be ordered now, releases on 27 May 2014. Jamie Smith.  Gray Work: Confessions of an American Paramilitary Spy (William Morrow, 2014) Book Description: An unprecedented, raw, first-hand look into the life of America’s private paramilitary warriors and their highly secretive work around the world. Jamie Smith, a contractor with more than two decades under …

Reflections on Specific Intelligence Reforms (Including Alarm on NSA from 1994 Onwards)

The US IC has spent 1.2 trillion dollars since 1992 — and failed to provide ethical evidence-based decision-support capable of influencing tens of trillions more. This waste has to be understood in the context of a leadership (both intelligence and political)  focused moving money, not actually in the business of producing decision-support or making decisions …

Chuck Spinney: Should US Leave Afghanistan? Is BBC Out of Its Mind? Robert Steele Comments

The attached BBC report/video by John Simpson describing Afghan attitudes toward the US/UK exit struck me as bizarre.  The weight of Simpson’s gist is that most Afghans do not want us to leave.  But the report based most of its information on interviews in Kabul and only a short part (the wobbly part) on the …

Berto Jongman: Atrocities Etcetera + Best of Ukraine 1.7

9/11: CIA black operation murders Philip Marshall? (Wayne Madsen) BITCOIN: arrest of operators of two exchanges BOOK: Integrated Peacebuilding: Innovative Approaches to Transforming Conflict CHINA: annual urban exodus tracked by Baida CONGO: ambush of commander CONGO: situation worsening CYBER: cash registers – crime wave