Bryan Dean Wright: CIA’s Problem – Subpar Spies

The CIA’s Problem: Subpar Spies Bryan Dean Wright, Fox Business, April 01, 2016 One year ago, CIA Director John Brennan announced sweeping changes at Langley, promising to reorganize the spy service by instituting a slew of bureaucratic fixes to its management structure. Then on Thursday, the CIA acknowledged that it left explosive training material on …

Yoda: Reformist Gains in Iran Offer Boom

Be not afraid…. Reformist gains in Iran elections clear way for business boom Gains by reformist candidates in Iranian elections open the way for changes to economic policy that will boost foreign investment and trade with the West, businessmen and analysts said on Sunday.

2017 Robert Steele: OSINT Done Right

SHORT URL: Robert David Steele, the founder of the modern Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) movement who is also the foremost proponent for Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE) and the creation of a national Open Source (Technologies) Agency, is now available via direct hire or via multiple contract vehicles in the US (including GSA and …

Berto Jongman: Academics in the Camps – the Life and Death of the Human Terrain System

Academics in Foxholes The Life and Death of the Human Terrain System Christopher Sims, Foreign Affairs, 4 February 2016 The U.S. government’s controversial effort to harness the social sciences in support of its counterinsurgency operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, in an initiative known as the Human Terrain System, was one of the most ambitious and …