Review: The Volunteer The Incredible True Story of an Israeli Spy on the Trail of International Terrorists

Michael Ross and Jonathan Kay 4.0 out of 5 stars 50% Authentic, 25% Disinformation, 25% Unwitting, December 22, 2012 For those that do not know my background, I am a former clandestine case officer (spy) who has published widely on the craft of intelligence. I received this book as a gift from the author, whom …

2012 Robert Steele: The Human Factor & The Human Environment: Contextual Trust for Sources & Methods

Citation: Robert David STEELE Vivas, “The Human Factor & The Human Environment: Contextual Trust for Sources & Methods,” Phi Beta Iota the Public Intelligence Blog (20 December 2012). Part I: 2012 Robert Steele: The Human Factor & The Human Environment: Concepts & Doctrine? Implications for Human & Open Source Intelligence 2.0 This is Part II …

Review: Against Security: How We Go Wrong at Airports, Subways, and Other Sites of Ambiguous Danger

Harvey Molotch 4.0 out of 5 stars Theatrically Naive in Its Own Way But Recommended, December 15, 2012 I’m the former spy and honorary hacker who sounded the alarm on cyber-security in 1994 and who questioned every aspect of the Department of Homeland Security, pointing out that the joint fusion centers would be a waste …

Mini-Me: Obama Approves CIA War on Syria, CIA & Arabs Arming Islamic Militants Instead — But Wait, Could This Be Smoke Related to Benghazi-Based Acts of War on Syria?

Huh? New York Times: Arms Shipments ‘Secretly’ Approved by Obama Admin. Ended Up in Hands of Islamic Militants Jason Howerton The Blaze, 5 December 2012 U.S.-Approved Arms for Libya Rebels Fell Into Jihadis’ Hands By JAMES RISEN, MARK MAZZETTI and MICHAEL S. SCHMIDT New York Times, December 5, 2012 WASHINGTON — The Obama administration secretly …

Berto Jongman: Algeria Fronting for US in Fabricating Al Qaeda Threat and Legitimizing US Military Occupation of Sahara?

Only noticed now, two years old, but makes more sense now with Mali and Niger in play. Al-Qaeda in the Sahel Jeremy Keenan explains how a Saharan front in the ‘global war on terror’ was fabricated. Jeremy Keenan AlJazeera, 29 Aug 2010 In November 2009, Richard Barrett of the UN’s al-Qaeda-Taliban monitoring team said that …

Mini-Me: Hit Job on Petraeus and CIA Neo-Cons? The Panetta Narrative?

Huh? Op-Ed: Benghazi attack — The October surprise that backfired Eric Morales Digital Journal, 17 November 2012 The Romney campaign was banking on the Benghazi attack making Obama the next Jimmy Carter, however it has instead blown up in the face of the American right – only problem is, they haven’t realized that yet. Conservatives …

DefDog: Bimbo-Gate Covering Up CIA’s Continuing Use of Proxy Terrorists, Regime Change, and Triad of Drugs, Arms, and Money-Laundering

Open Season indeed.  A seismic shift appears to be occurring, and CIA is the new “best target.”  Below is s summary that represents the “worst-case” view of post Viet-Nam CIA. The Petraeus Affair vs. the CIA’s Long Criminal History By Julie Lévesque Global Research, November 15, 2012 The Petraeus Affair has demonstrated yet again how …