Theophilis Goodyear: Panarchy versus Anarchy – Non-Hierarchal, Network-Controled Governance + Panarchy RECAP

“Non-Hierarchal, Network-Controled Governance” Is a Better Term Than Anarchy For me, the anarchy argument is a philosophical can of worms. It’s like pulling a loose thread on a suit that never ends. Bryan Kaplan Ph.D. (of George Mason University), in his Anarchist Theory FAQ makes a pretty good case that the only thing anarchists have in …

Theophilis Goodyear: Disposable Hero Body Parts — When Blind Collectives Run Amok

Remains of 274 US troops dumped in landfill: report Agence France Press, 8 December 2011 The US Air Force dumped the cremated, partial remains of at least 274 troops in a landfill before halting the secretive practice in 2008, the Washington Post reported Thursday. Read full article. Theophillis Goodyear Comments: No matter who is specifically …

DefDog: SASC Questions Sanity of Pentagon InfoOps

The Pentagon may have hit a speed bump in the expansion of its growing worldwide information operations………… A speed bump for Pentagon’s information ops By Walter Pincus The Pentagon may have hit a speed bump in the expansion of its growing worldwide information operations. The Senate Armed Services Committee has asked Defense Secretary Leon Panetta …

Thomas Briggs: No, China Does Not Have 3,000 Nuclear Weapons (Nor Does CIA Have Clandestine Assets Anywhere Relevant)

Here is another posting related to this topic to balance the earlier piece from the Washington Post. No, China Does Not Have 3,000 Nuclear Weapons A study from Georgetown University incorrectly suggests that China has 3,000 nuclear weapons.The estimate is off by an order of magnitude. By Hans M. Kristensen EXTRACT: According to the International …

Mini-Me: World Revolting Against US Economic Model [Full Text Online for Google Translate]

Open Letter at P2P Foundation Dear friends and colleagues, The world is riveting toward a possible turning point and we hope that you are able to stand with us in this call to action. We, the undersigned, have co-authored the document noted below. We are now writing to seek your endorsement. Please if you wish …