John Pilger: The War on Democracy Comes Home

Recommended by Paul Craig Roberts, Institute for Political Economy John Pilger describes the reality hidden behind the cloak of anglo-american “democracy.” Phi Beta Iota:  This describes the crime against humanity, the atrocity, of cleansing the population of the islands now known as Diego Garcia.  If We the People do not hold our government accountable, then …

Worth a Look: AVAAZ Movement 13 Million and Growing

Dear Amazing Avaazers, It feels like everything is happening exponentially. In the last 30 days, our community has grown by 2.5 million people. We were already the largest political web movement ever, and yet we’re growing faster than anyone has seen before! We’re taking more actions, winning more victories, donating more and generating thousands more …

Review: Gladio, NATO’s Dagger at the Heart of Europe – The Pentagon-Nazi-Mafia Terror Axis

Richard Cottrell Startling, Offers a Wealth of New Information, February 19, 2012 EDIT of 6 May 2012 to acknowledge fixed made by publisher for new edition after review, change title, and increase to five stars. I was given this book as a gift. I do not normally seek-out conspiracy literature, but in the aftermath of …

Mini-Me: Iran? False Flag Car Bombings – A Mossad Specialty

Ed Lansdale specialized in false flag terrorism and false flag bombings for the CIA in the Philippines and then in Viet-Nam. Source. Israel specializes in car bombings — mostly as primers (pun intended) to sell a lot of security to the paranoid, but sometimes, we speculate, to influence its “host” the USA. Anyone willing to …

Sharmine Narwani: Is CNN Pushing False Information to Public?

High-Tech Trickery in Homs? by Sharmine Narwani VeteransToday, 16 February 2012 What was surely meant to be a clever display of media-friendly visuals to illustrate Syrian regime violence in Homs, has instead raised more questions than answers. US State Department satellite images of the embattled city were posted on Facebook last Friday by US Ambassador …

Penguin: “Or Your Lying Eyes…” Truth and Fiction in the News Business – Conspiracy of Lies While US Networks Prepare & Rehearse for Israeli Attack on Iran

“Or Your Lying Eyes…” Truth and Fiction in the News Business Alex Cockburn Counterpunch, Weekend Edition February 10-12, 2012 If you want a sense of what could well lie in store for Syria, go no further than Anthony Shadid’s report from Libya in the New York Times for February 9. Shadid, a good reporter, describes …