EGYPT: Can Democracy by Randomly Revolutionized?

Will Egypt Revolutionize Democracy Itself? by Tom Atlee Thomas Friedman suggests that the special strength of Egypt’s youth-led revolutionary movement has been “the fact that it represented every political strain, every segment and class in Egyptian society.” But then he turns around and says that diversity “is also its weakness. It still has no accepted …

Event Listings from the Magazines Metropolis & Yes! (Includes Cradle to Cradle Festival) January 26 For the Greener Good: Inspired by Nature Washington, D.C. In its seventh season, For the Greener Good—one of the National Building Museum’s most popular public education forums—culminates with four panel discussions about the state of sustainability in our nation. The first panel, Inspired by Nature, will discuss how architects, builders, and engineers …

Review: The World Is Open–How Web Technology Is Revolutionizing Education

6 STAR Wake Up Call for All Educators August 19, 2010 Curtis J. Bonk UPDATE 21 Aug 2010 to add two graphics. I’ve seen educators struggle to herd their faculty cats, hire staff under industrial-era rules, and strive to accommodate students that know more than their professors about anything outside the “teach to test” topic. …

Reference: Invisible Empire New World Order DVD + RECAP

Invisible Empire A New World Order Defined Full 2 hours, 14 minutes, 1 second — free online, click on title above Jason Bermas [creator or Loose Change movie] presents Invisible Empire: A New World Order Defined produced by Alex Jones. The film can be ordered here or viewed free online (click on title above). …