Owl: Hillary Clinton’s 33,000 Emails Being Released 1 November — Proves Treason by Hillary Clinton, Complicity by Obama, Lynch, & Comey UPDATE 1

Clinton Campaign About to Be Splattered Into a Million Pieces by Release of 33,000 Illicitly Destroyed Emails Showing Influence Peddling Quid Pro Quos and Other High Crimes as Well as Racism, Committing Felonies on Camera Anonymous sources on 4chan are saying that Wikileaks has Hillary’s 33,000 deleted emails, and what’s in them will mean the …

Stephen E. Arnold: US Government Struggling with IT — 77% of funding consumed by O&M — while Palantir sues US Army for business….

US Government: Computer Infrastructure Notice that the US Federal government spent $0.68 cents of every IT dollar on operations and maintenance in 2010. Jump to the 2017 estimate. Notice that the status quo is likely to consume $0.77 cents of every IT dollar. Bam! Pow! Zap! Palantir Steps Up Fight with US Army I recall …

Marcus Aurelius: Donald Trump As “A giant middle finger…”

This is absolutely  brilliant. It was published by small-government advocate and President Obama birth certificate conspiracy theorist Don Fredrick, and was originally published on his blog, The Complete Obama Timeline. It did not go viral until it was mis-attributed to New Yorker magazine. New York Null Values “Who is Donald Trump?” The better question may be, “What is Donald Trump?” …

NOW Will You Listen? Paris Attacks Bring Home Need for a Grand Strategy Based on the Truth…

After Paris: An American Grand Strategy – Evidence-Based, Affordable, Balanced, Flexible — No Longer Ignoring Gladio, Wahhabism, or Traitors in Our Own Ranks Robert David Steele UPDATED 22 November 2015 The Paris attacks bring home far better than any words of mine just how desperately lacking we are in both intelligence and integrity. None of …

Robert Steele: Reinventing the US Army Part I – An American Grand Strategy

Steele, Robert. Reinventing the US Army Part I – An American Grand Strategy, Carlisle, PA: Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College, Press, Projected Publication 2017. Part I in the Reinventing the US Army monograph series. Updated November 15, 2016 Robert Steele This is the author’s preliminary draft of the first of three monographs focused …

Robert Steele: UNHINGED — Two Books on Terror Reviewed (Rebuttal, a Book of Lies & Broken!, Truth as Fiction)

UNHINGED: American Terror, Torture, & Treason SHORT URL: http://tinyurl.com/CIA-UNHINGED Robert David Steele PDF (5 Pages): UNHINGED TORTURE as published with cover matter Rebuttal: The CIA Responds to the Senate Intelligence Committee’s Study of Its Detention and Interrogation Program by Porter Goss et al, Naval Institute Press, 352 pp., £14.99, September, ISBN 978 1 591 14587 …

Review: Rebuttal – CIA “Leaders” Double-Down on Lies

Bill Harlow (Editor), George Tenet (Introduction), Porter J. Goss (Contributor), Michael V. Hayden USAF (Ret.) (Contributor), John McLaughlin (Contributor), Michael Morell (Contributor), Philip Mudd (Contributor), John Rizzo (Contributor), Jose A. Rodriguez Jr. (Contributor) 1 Star Authors Double-Down on Lies Told Previously I am a co-signer of the below letter to the President of the United …