Michel Bauwens: What is specific about the positioning of the P2P Foundation?

What is specific about the positioning of the P2P Foundation? “Like Oekonux, the P2P Foundation is a collective marked by diversity, but it also has dominant personalities and themes, with a substantial influence of the author of this article, who is also the initiator and founder of the initiative. So, when I make claims here …

Michel Bauwens: Farm to Ville Direct, Save 70% & Cut 47% Waste

Gineagrotis: innovative farm+food renting connects citydwellers and farmers in Greece ‘The idea behind www.gineagrotis.gr (the name means ‘Become a farmer’) is straightforward: citydwellers rent a patch of land from a farmer, tell him what they would like grown on it, and get their own fresh vegetables delivered to them weekly. And unlike some services elsewhere, …

Michel Bauwens: The Emerging Fourth Sector

Richly deserving of careful attention. The Emerging Fourth Sector The Three Traditional Sectors Businesses create and distribute goods and services that enhance our quality of life, promote growth, and generate prosperity. They spur innovation, reward entrepreneurial effort, provide a return on investment and constantly improve their performance responding to market feedbacks. They draw on the …

Michel Bauwens: Video of the Day – Dirk Bezemer on Creating a Socially Useful Financial System

Video of the Day: Dirk Bezemer on Creating a Socially Useful Financial System Most of our credit system does not support economic growth in the sense of supporting transactions in goods and services,” he explains. “Most of our finance system, most bank loans, support increased asset prices, which have a number of detrimental effects on …

Michel Bauwens: Jean Lievens on Peer Production and Co-Production

Peer Production and Co-Production: A New Approach to Solving Common Problems Together – College Open Textbooks Community Aalto University in Finland has a new publication: Towards Peer Production in Public Services: Cases from Finland available for free download. The book’s description reads: “There are many challenges and opportunities in designing, developing and maintaining services for participatory modes of governance, not …

Michel Bauwens: Indignados are (not so) silently gaining strength

Despite appearances, Indignados are (not so) silently gaining strength The 15-M movement has gone beyond protest: it has succeeded in altering the collective imagination and the political atmosphere at its very roots. It has generated a process of re-politicization of society. The agenda of actions has expanded and been radicalized: now we do not only …