Rob Dover & Robert Steele: Intelligence and National Strategy? Rethinking Intelligence – Seven Barriers to Reform

PDF (15 Pages): Dover Steele PSA April 2014 Dover, R & Steele, RD (2014) Intelligence and National Strategy? Rethinking Intelligence: Seven Barriers to Reform, Paper presented the UK Political Studies Association Annual Conference, Manchester (14 Arpil 2014). ROBERT STEELE: An Open Source Agency would be helpful but I was naive to expect the US IC …

2014 Robert Steele: Beyond the Open Source Agency – School of Future-Oriented Hybrid Governance, World Brain Institute, PhD in Comprehensive Architecture

DOC (11 Pages): FIVE-R-Brief-School-World-Brain-OSE-2.3R LEVEL ONE BRIEFING I have three ideas that can rapidly enhance your: • Rank among all universities • Research power among faculty • Relevance as evaluated by alumni, students, and prospects • Revenue in terms of endowments, grants, contracts, and fees • Real Estate value.

Stephen E. Arnold: Quote to Note: Open Source Is a Little Pregnant as in Sort of but Not Really

Quote to Note: Open Source Is a Little Pregnant I came across “Why Is Atom Closed Source?” The thread had a very interesting statement from mojombo. I quote: Atom won’t be closed source, but it won’t be open source either. It will be somewhere inbetween, making it easy for us to charge for Atom while …

Reflections: how can the intelligence community remain relevant in the 21st century

Reflections: Seven Steps to US Intelligence Reform I was quite surprised to see multiple searches using the same language. It is an important question that I have been asking — and answering — since 1988 when I helped create the Marine Corps Intelligence Activity (today a mini-me of the larger mis-directed secret intelligence world). My …

Patrick Meier: Crisis Mapping in Areas of Limited Statehood

Crisis Mapping in Areas of Limited Statehood I had the great pleasure of contributing a chapter to this new book recently published by Oxford University Press: Bits and Atoms: Information and Communication Technology in Areas of Limited Statehood. My chapter addresses the application of crisis mapping to areas of limited statehood, drawing both on theory …