Journal: The Greening of the Pentagon’s Strategy

Climate change may be an “accelerant of instability” in future conflicts, and the U.S. military needs to plan for possible environmental catastrophes and resource wars, according to the Pentagon’s soon-to-be-released master strategy document. Among other things, the draft QDR suggests the military will have to start planning for operations in which rising sea levels, an …

Review: To Lead the World–American Strategy after the Bush Doctrine

Superb From Right of Center–VERY Satisfying Competent Collection January 10, 2010 Melvyn Leffler and Jeffrey Legro Of the three books I bought to explore this particular theme, this was the best by far and the only one to earn five stars. Twelve chapters, twelve authors, not a single runt in this litter. The notes are …

Review: A Question of Command: Counterinsurgency from the Civil War to Iraq (Yale Library of Military History) (Hardcover)

Brilliant but Narrow, Simplifies A Bridge Too Far December 19, 2009 Mark Moyar EDIT of 21 Feb 2010:  A colleague in COINSOC has pointed out that I missed one key aspect of this book and I hasten to add it: “Moyar’s point that we are applying peacetime personnel policies by putting people in place based …

Journal: Afghanistan, Warning, Peak Oil, & Strategy

EXCLUSIVE: U.S. ignored warnings before deadly Afghan attack…Three intelligence reports dismissed days before eight U.S. soldiers killed Bill Gertz, October 16, 2009 Army Maj. T.G. Taylor, a spokesman for the Army’s Task Force Mountain Warrior, told The Times that the three reports did not stand out among hundreds of others and that the intelligence was …

Journal: It’s Time to Legalize Drugs and Re-Design the Entire National Strategy-Policy-Budget Process

It’s Time to Legalize Drugs By Peter Moskos and Stanford “Neill” Franklin The Washington Post, Monday, August 17, 2009 Undercover Baltimore police officer Dante Arthur was doing what he does well, arresting drug dealers, when he approached a group in January. What he didn’t know was that one of suspects knew from a previous arrest …