NIGHTWATCH: Russian Military & Military Sales Strategy

Algeria-Russia: For the record. Russian President Medvedev and Algerian President Bouteflika signed a joint statement on 6 October for more coordination and communication between the two countries, Itar-Tass reported. The statement said the two countries’ heads of state will meet regularly and that their foreign ministers will hold at least one meeting a year. The …

Review: Operation Dark Heart–Spycraft and Special Ops on the Frontlines of Afghanistan — and the Path to Victory

USG Blows It, Makes This a Best-Seller October 5, 2010 Anthony Shaffer EDIT of 7 October 2010 to address the negatives. I can see I need to spell this out more clearly. 1) Let’s distinguish between the book and the heavy-handed (late) censorsorship. The book is an earnest personal effort by an experienced officer who …

Secrecy News Extract: Operation Dark Heart Aftermath

OPERATION DARK HEART: THE AFTERMATH The Pentagon’s heavy-handed attempt to censor the new Afghanistan war memoir “Operation Dark Heart” by Anthony Shaffer has predictably turned a volume of narrow, specialized interest into a mainstream bestseller. It has also focused attention on just what information the government was seeking to conceal, and why.  For a review …

Review/Reference: Black World Books by Trevor Paglen

Covert Operations and Classified Landscapes is Trevor Paglen’s long-awaited first photographic monograph. Social scientist, artist, writer and provocateur, Paglen has been exploring the secret activities of the U.S. military and intelligence agencies–the “black world”–for the last eight years, publishing, speaking and making astonishing photographs. As an artist, Paglen is interested in the idea of photography …