Journal: It’s Official–Social Media EDUCATES

Social Media, a Brilliant Teacher, the Power of Embracing the Future EXTRACT:  Mashable has a insightful post about how some teachers are incorporating social media into their classrooms and are seeing dramatic increases in student interest and achievement as a result. …. reading things like this excites me because shows me that we are winning …

Journal: Kow-Towing to Israel for No Good Reason

Sacrificing Substance for Process Peace Process to Nowhere By FRANKLIN C. SPINNEY, Counterpunch The Israeli newspaper Yediot Ahronot reports that President Obama begged Prime Minister Netanyahu to extend his settlement freeze in order to save the so-called peace talks. As a quid pro quo, Obama is reported to have promised Netanyahu that (1) Israel could …

Secrecy News on US Classification & 2 Headlines

BEHIND THE CENSORSHIP OF OPERATION DARK HEART By censoring Anthony Shaffer’s new book “Operation Dark Heart” even though uncensored review copies are already available in the public domain, the Department of Defense has produced a genuinely unique product:  a revealing snapshot of the way that the Obama Administration classifies national security information in 2010. With …

Reflections on Integrity UPDATED + Integrity RECAP

Updated 1 November 2012 to add core graphic: Graphic: Ethical Evidence-Based Decisions.  Updated 13 April 2012 to add new book: THE OPEN SOURCE EVERYTHING MANIFESTO: Transparency, Truth & Trust.  Updated 8 March 2012 to add underlying philosophical reference: 2012-03-08 GOD MAN INTERVAL Reformatted & Linked.  Updated 6 December 2011 to add this seminal reference: Journal: …

Review (DVD): Restrepo

Strong Recommendation from MajGen Robert Scales, USA (Ret) September 27, 2010 Actors: Dan Kearney, Lamonta Caldwell, Kevin Rice, Misha C. Pemble-Belkin, Kyle Steiner Directors: Sebastian Junger;Tim Hetherington General (and PhD) Robert Scales strongly recommended this movie to an audience at the Brookings Institute today. He used it as a backdrop to his official remarks on …