Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: Sam Rose

Samuel Rose created Socialsynergyweb.com to help people deal with the complexities of knowledge, understanding, change, human systems, evolution, foresight, cooperation and collaboration, and technology. This business is now integrated into both Forward Foundation and Future Forward Institute. He is a principal contributor to the Autonomous Internet Road Map. He is interested in effective knowledge synthesis, …

Freedom Box Reflections

Autonomous Internet [or Autonomous Free Distributed Internet for the elderly] is the new meme in town, inspired by the role of Facebook and Twitter as well as the rapidly developed Internet Work-Arounds that were developed by a huge network of great-hearted citizens. Freedom Box is an idea, not a capability, but it holds enormous potential, …

Review: Reality Is Broken–Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World

Jane McGonigal 6 Star for Concept–Ignores Past Pioneers–Energizes Us All February 28, 2011 I took the time to read all of the reviews to date, and was reminded again of the chasm between those who understand technology and its possibilities, and those who do not. Being among the latter, in part because I am a …

Inside the Business of Malware (infographic) + Resources

Infographic: Inside the Business of Malware Web resources found along the way: http://twitter.com/threatpost (security news) http://offensivecomputing.net (malware research) http://twitter.com/ocomputing http://hakin9.org (magazine) Related: DIY: Free tools for removing malicious software (Techrepublic) Malware Intelligence of Modern Crimeware Shadowserver Foundation FireEye Malware Intelligence Lab