Journal: Historian’s View of CIA, Yemen, and Air Threat

Detroit jet terrorist attack was staged – journalist The recent failed attack on a US passenger jet traveling from Amsterdam to Detroit was a set-up provocation controlled by US intelligence, author and journalist Webster Tarpley stated to RT. “[The terrorist’s] father, a rich Nigerian banker, went to the US embassy in Nigeria on November 19 …

Journal: Director of National Intelligence Alleges….

Strengthening Our Nation’s Front Line Of Defense By Dennis C. Blair Friday, December 18, 2009 Phi Beta Iota:  This is a seriously misleading article, our comments are provided after each paragraph. The legislation authorizing post-Sept. 11 intelligence reform — the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 — was signed into law five years …

Review: The Compassionate Instinct–The Science of Human Goodness

Extraordinary Collection, Unique, Timely, No Notes December 16, 2009 Dacher Keltner, Jason March, Jeremy Adam Smith This is a truly extraordinary collection of essays from the magazine Greater Good, a magazine I had no idea existed. The editors have done a tremendous job in selecting 35 essays (click on the cover above to see the …

Journal: Wall Street & the Obama Administration

Chuck Spinney sends…. Obama’s Big Sellout The president has packed his economic team with Wall Street insiders intent on turning the bailout into an all-out giveaway MATT TAIBBI Rolling Stone Dec 09, 2009 Phi Beta Iota: We include the entire article below to share Chuck Spinney’s value-added highlights.  See the original article without highlights by …

Review: Holistic Darwinism: Synergy, Cybernetics, and the Bioeconomics of Evolution

Beyond 6 Stars–And a Seventh for Accessible Pricing December 5, 2009 Peter A. Corning I could spend a lifetime reading and re-reading this book, and each of the cited sources, and not waste the time at all. This is one of the most extraordinary works I have encountered, and while I cannot do it justice, …