Kevin Barrett: Is Orlando a False Flag? Update 16: KINDLE Up – 46 Page Chapter, 65 Anomalies

NEW SHORT URL: Orlando nightclub shooting: Yet another false flag? It sure walks, talks and quacks like one They’re calling it “the worst terror attack since 9/11.” A Muslim is being blamed for shooting up a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, killing more than fifty people. In the recently-published Another French False Flag, former …

Robert Steele: Snap-Shot on Gold & Off-Ledger Accounts

It never occurred to me that accidentally becoming the top Amazon reviewer for non-fiction, partially associated with my being the lead for Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) for 25 years across 66+ countries, would be vastly more important than everything I ever learned across multiple graduate degrees, as a former spy, and as co-founder of the …

Owl: 9/11 Disclosures – Throwing the Saudis Under the Bus to Protect Israel and the Neo-Cons

9-11 organization in a nut-shell: Israelis: did all the planning with neocon and Zionist collaborators in NYC & DC; selected and managed Arab patsies, over-all technical preparations; Saudis: bankrolled the operation after Dick Cheney signed off on 9/11 and asked them to do so; American rogue military elements, including contract personnel: provided technology and expertise …

Economist Intelligence Unit: Top 10 Threats to the Global Economy

China, Terrorism and Trump: The Top 10 Threats to the Global Economy A new assessment breaks down the biggest risks to international markets. China’s Economy Tanks Russia Sparks a New Cold War Currency Volatility Leads to Debt Crisis The European Union Cracks ‘Grexit” Breaks Up Eurozone President Trump Terrorism UK Leaves the EU Clash in …

Berto Jongman: Sorcha Faal (David Booth) on Donald Trump as Andrew Jackson Reprise, Battle to the Death with Federal Reserve, Vatican, CIA, and the Deep State

Freemasonic Forces Led By Donald Trump Launch “Soon To Be Deadly” American Coup d’état …Freemasonic forces (for the first time in 188 years) led by American billionaire Donald Trump, and aided by secretive elements within both the Sicilian and American mafia, are presently engaged in a “soon to be deadly” all-out battle against the US …

Can Bernie Sanders Break the DNC Rigging of the Super-Delegates? A Game Plan…

Sanders for President by Breaking the Super-Delegates? The Game Plan for Winning and Governing with Intelligence and Integrity Robert David Steele After Bernie won the New Hampshire primary, many progressive organizations figured out the daunting superdelegate math for Bernie, and started calling for the superdelegates to vote according to their state outcomes rather than their …