Berto Jongman: OuterNet – Free Online Access from Outer Space – Starting with NYC?

Forget the Internet – soon there will be the OUTERNET: Company plans to beam free Wi-fi to every person on Earth from space An ambitious project known as Outernet is aiming to launch hundreds of miniature satellites into low Earth orbit by June 2015 Each satellite will broadcast the Internet to phones and computers giving …

Rickard Falkvinge: Copyright as Scam — Not Protecting Artists (the Many) Only Profits (for the Few)

The Copyright Monopoly Is A Scam That Hurts Artists As Much As The Public Copyright Monopoly – Zacqary Adam Green: So you’re an artist, author, or creative person, and you’ve heard the arguments against the copyright monopoly. That it locks away knowledge from the public. That it hurts free speech. That it’s declaring a monopoly on …

Berto Jongman: The End of Nation States May Enhance Humanity

The End of Nation States May Enhance Humanity Harry J. Bentham H+ Mag. Perhaps parallel to the physical enhancement of human ability and longevity through technology, enhancements to civilization must also have cultural and political forms. By far the most important of these could be the neglect and final dissolution of borders and “nations”. Read …

Nik Peachey: Interactive Presentation Tool

This looks like a great free tool for creating interactive presentations and recording and publishing them. Just downloading it myself. From – Today, 5:51 AM With SlideIdea, presentations are no longer a one-man show. SlideIdea gives presenters the tools to engage their audience through their audience’s smart phones, laptops, and tablets. Each SlideIdea presentation …

Berto Jongman: Mind Control in the 21st Century – Overview of the State of the Art and Future Prospects

Mind Control in the 21st Century-Science Fiction & Beyond Pravda, 05.02.2014  By Steven DiBasio ***Part One*** Conspiracy Theory? “Mind control” is a topic commonly perceived as “conspiracy theory” or “X-Files” fare. That is, it is seen as possibly not “real,” and certainly not something about which one should be “overly” concerned. This attitude at least …

Reflections on the Future of Information Technology – An Open Letter

SHORTCUT: This started out as an a letter to the collective leadership of a very promising open source software company, took a side step toward Microsoft, and finally made the leap here as a general open reference. Earth Intelligence Network, A Virginia Non-Profit (501c3) Corporation, is seeking endowed alliances that might wish to advance …