Winslow Wheeler: A-10 as Soul of Air Force – A Core Defense Issue Washington Will No Longer Ignore

More than 100 people (Hill staff, journalists, combat pilots and ground commanders, DOD officials and think-tankers) recently attended two events on a national security issue that is usually, even studiously, ignored in Washington: what is the most effective role of air power in war, and what is the thinking behind the Air Force leadership’s decision to …

Winslow Wheeler: Stop the Assassination of the A-10

Usually ignored by the press as insufficiently interesting to technology dazzled editors and reviled by the civilian and military leadership of the Air Force as not what they think they should spend money and careers on, the A-10 “Warthog” has broken through into Washington DC’s consciousness.  Interestingly, the attention was provoked by a heavy handed …

Event: Friday 22 NOV 13 Washington DC Close Air Support and the A-10 — Is US Air Force Ready to Turn Close Air Support Over to the US Army?

CLOSE AIR SUPPORT WITH AND WITHOUT THE A-10 — WILL US TROOPS GET THE HELP THEY NEED? A Seminar on Supporting US Ground Forces in Combat, Fighting Effectively in Future Wars, and Acquiring Effective Hardware at Affordable Prices Sponsored by the Straus Military Reform Project and the Project On Government Oversight Time: Friday, November 22, …

Winslow Wheeler: USAF Seeking to Kill A-10 — At What Point Does Personal Greed and Professional Idiocy Become Treason?

Yet again, the Air Force is trying to get rid of the A-10.  The matter has been covered in the defense-specialized, but not the major, news media for about a week.    It comes as no real surprise to long-time observers of the A-10, but it is a very unpleasant surprise to US ground forces who have observed–all too …

Caitlin Johnstone: Tyranny By Propaganda Is Tyranny By Force

Freedom is the ability to enact your own will for your own life. If anyone is preventing you from doing this, you are not free. If anyone is manipulating you into enacting their will instead of your own authentic will, you are not free. Freedom and manipulation cannot coexist. Read full and excellent article.

Matt Ehret: How the FBI Created Domestic Terrorism: 80 Years of Psychological Warfare Revealed

How the FBI Created Domestic Terrorism: 80 Years of Psychological Warfare Revealed Since it has become increasingly evident that a vast extension of the Patriot Act will soon be unveiled that threatens to re-define “the war on terror” to include essentially anyone who disagrees with the governing neoliberal agenda, it is probably a good time to evaluate …