American Herald Tribune: From 2006 to 2019: After Failures in Syria, Iraq, Palestine and Yemen, War Is No Longer an Option for Israel [Zionist Strike 46]

From 2006 to 2019: After Failures in Syria, Iraq, Palestine and Yemen, War Is No Longer an Option for Israel The US and Israel failed to achieve four main goals: regime change in Syria, the partition of Iraq, the defeat of the Houthis in Yemen, the Palestinian “deal of the century”. Added to this, Israeli-US …

Robert Steele: 5G – Wrong Turn by China & USA — The Alternative is Human Intelligence with Integrity

Both China and the USA are making a huge mistake in embracing 5G, which is genocidal and ecocidal.  Developed in Israel, and forbidden in Israel, it is the fastest way to dumb down and ultimately kill off billions of people. China Unicom’s big bet on open source It is a huge mistake by China to …

BREAKING: Benjamin Fulford — Is Trump Being Blackmailed by Kushner? Zionists Press for War with Iran — Alternative to Trump for 2020? UPDATE 2: Has Trump Cut a Deal with Bush & Clinton Crime Families?

Khazarian mafia play Trump blackmail card in final bid to avoid extermination By Benjamin Fulford Partial post with permission. Register/Subscribe ($11/month) here. The Khazarian mafia is in a state of deep panic as more and more people, including many Jews, wake up to their horrors.  That is why they are playing their trump card by blackmailing …