Khazarian mafia play Trump blackmail card in final bid to avoid extermination
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The Khazarian mafia is in a state of deep panic as more and more people, including many Jews, wake up to their horrors. That is why they are playing their trump card by blackmailing U.S. President Donald Trump into sabotaging the restoration of the U.S. Republic and preventing the start of military tribunals, say Pentagon and MI6 sources.
Trump is also going along with his son-in-law Jared Kushner’s Chabad plan (2,800 goyim slaves for each Jew) to start World War III with a war on Iran, the sources say. The result is that U.S. military intelligence are coming to the conclusion that Trump must go.
“Donald Trump is a Pentagon peacetime president, so there is a significant military intelligence presence around him. Really, we didn’t want either him or the other one, but we had to put in one so the Bush stuff could come through,” was what a high-level military intelligence source explained. The result was that Barbara Bush and George Bush Sr. were executed for treason, the source said.
However, now that Trump has placed Bush Sr.-era Attorney General William Barr as Attorney General again, he has let out a sign for all to read that he will not be going after the perpetrators of 9/11 or any more members of the Bush/Clinton crime family. Trump also has been blocking military tribunals and other forms of justice from moving forward, Pentagon sources say.
Many people, including this writer, hoped Trump would be the liberator of the U.S. However, Trump’s hiring of radical neocon warmongers like Jeff Bolton and convicted criminals like Elliot Abrams have forced us to realize that Trump is damaged goods.
If you want yet another sign that something is seriously wrong with the Trump presidency, ask yourself why Trump is trying to transfer nuclear weapons technology to the rogue state of Saudi Arabia.
The reason for these unnatural Trump actions is serious blackmail, both Pentagon and MI6 sources say. Specifically, they say “Trump is on film …
… bashing in a child’s head.” This is something both senior British and U.S. military intelligence sources confirm.
There is now corroborating evidence coming forward in public. The Miami Herald, in particular, has been doing real journalistic work by exposing convicted pedophile Jeff Epstein, whose Orgy Island Trump has frequented. Now a judge has ruled that Trump’s Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta broke the law when he let Epstein off lightly on pedophilia charges. When asked about it, Trump said, “I don’t know much about it. He’s done a great job as Labor Secretary. That seems like a long time ago.”
This, by the way, is what Trump had to say about Epstein: “Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.”
Wake up and smell the coffee, folks—Trump has become an obstacle to justice in the U.S. Not only that, he has publicly joined the radical Chabad fanatics who have been trying to start World War III for decades. My question is why doesn’t the military grab Abrams, Bolton, Kushner, etc. and put them in jail where they belong? Also, why don’t they find the video with which Trump is being blackmailed and use it to force him to resign? You can start that search by questioning Epstein.
In any case, despite Trump’s unnatural turnaround on issues like 9/11, Pentagon sources say he has been forced by the military to take action against lower-ranking figures. “Zionists have been targeted after Trump met with military brass in October 2017 to unleash the storm with Harvey Weinstein, then Las Vegas casino king Steve Wynn (Weinberg), then CBS titan Les Moonves, and now billionaire New England Patriots owner Bob Kraft and more.”
Also, “Mossad espionage operations to help Jewish criminals have also been neutralized with the shutdown of Psy Group, and the exposure of Black Cube as well as Pegasus spyware,” Pentagon sources say. Furthermore, “The gay Bolton flunky and Israeli shill Richard Grenell was rejected as UN ambassador,” the sources note.
The removal of senior pedophile Catholic cardinals is another positive sign that the Khazarian mafia pedophile blackmail network is being dismantled. The defrocking last week of sex predator ex-Cardinal of D.C. Ted McCarrick is now likely to be followed by the defrocking of convicted pedophile Cardinal George Pell, former head of the Vatican Bank, the sources say.
The Khazarian mafia is fighting back by seeking Chinese protection and sponsorship. Trump was able to end the U.S. government shutdown and get funds to keep the Washington, D.C. apparatus running by offering the Chinese control of Japan and the Korean Peninsula, according to Japanese right-wing sources close to the Emperor. As a part of this deal, U.S. forces will withdraw from Japan and Korea to Hawaii, the sources say. This will come up for discussion when Trump meets this week with North Korean strongman Kim Jong-un, they say.
Asian secret society sources independently confirm that yes indeed, control of Japan has been promised to China. They say the only thing the election of Trump did was delay this deal, which had already been negotiated by Hillary Clinton.
Another sign of the Khazarian mafia sucking up to the Chinese was seen last week when Saudi Clone Prince Mohammed Bin Salman visited China. He was able to get some rent money out of China by offering to build a giant refinery there and by promising to teach Chinese to all Saudi Arabian schoolchildren. He also showed he was a fake Muslim by endorsing China’s placing of Uighur Muslims into concentration camps.
The Saudi and American branches of the Khazarian mafia also are seeking Chinese protection because the Jews are finally figuring out that the Khazarians are their worst enemy. If you have not seen it yet, please check out this short YouTube video by long-term, high-ranking U.S. government official Steve Pieczenik. Pieczenik independently confirms what many sources have been telling me over the years: Jews working for Adolf Hitler and the Nazis were killing their fellow Jews during World War II.
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ROBERT STEELE: I traveled to Japan in February 2018 explicitly to meet Benjamin Fulford and evaluate his range of sources and his analytic acumen. I came away fully satisfied. Like all of us, including me, Ben can be 20% off and occasionally way off, but his depth and breadth of contacts and accumulated knowledge cannot be challenged.

By his arrangement I met with the Japanese Princess who gave me the story on the unification of the Koreas and the planned denuclearization and demilitarization of the Koreas; with the top Asian secret society leader that is one of Ben's most important windows into the plans and intentions of the Chinese; and with leaders of a deep right nationalist group that some would call criminal, others would call patriotic.
I was one of the early supporters of the Trump candidacy, writing the original article on how he could win as published in August 2015, and later the 30-part Trump Revolution Series (until Amazon started blocking publication of new pieces), and the two part slam on John Brennan's lies about Russian collusion (post and article).
Today I am worried. Jared Kushner is not a Jew – he is a Chabad supremacist and an agent of a foreign power. The rabid rabbis (not to be confused with Progressive and Reform Jewish rabbis) are predicting the Messiah will appear when Kushner next visits the Middle East. His peace plan is insane — it is not a holistic eight-point peace plan such as published in Russia.
John Bolton is a known swinger and alleged pedophile as well as a dual US-Israeli citizen and agent of a foreign power (at the same time that Mike Pence is alleged to be a murderous pedophile and in constant betrayal of the President's trust). Mike Pompeo appears to have been captured by the Deep State and is doing deeply stupid things in Venezuela and in relation to Iran at the same time that he is not respected anywhere else. “Fat Boy” is his appellation. I have also heard “Chubby Cheeks” and this is not a reference to his face. Koch Zero and Mount Pomp-Pey are also listed along with Pompous Asshole, a Saudi favorite.
Let me say directly that I do not believe the alleged video exists, and if it does exist, it was contrived by some combination of drugging or mind-controlling President Trump in his younger days, and/or by manipulating voice and video, which is very easy to do, the Zionists are world masters of this genre, combining Hollywood and Mossad skill sets in a most compelling manner. The President can beat this, whether or not it is true, if and only if he has a TWO-WAY Trump Studio and truth channel — neither Bill Shine nor Brad Parscale have a clue what that means, their current plans are like a dead pig to which lipstick has been added — it's still a dead pig.

While I want the President to win and win big, he is failing on multiple fronts, including his failure do to 9/11 disclosure and put the Zionists down; his failure to create a two-way truth channel and mandate a RICO investigation of AIPAC and ADL bribery and blackmail of all Members of Congress as well as their control of the mainstream and social media against the President; he failure to challenge HR 1 that sets the stage for non-citizens to vote in 2020; his failure to reach out to Blacks and Latinos, both of whom are part of #WalkAway but have no hope for power absent #UNRIG, and more.
I continue to believe the President must replace Mike Pence with Cynthia McKinney; eliminate the National Security Council in favor of a very small Strategy Advisory Group; throw the press out of the White House; create the Trump Studio and national TWO-WAY educational and town hall online ecology; fund the Open Source Agency; and trim the secret intelligence community by up to 70%, consolidating the pieces in a revitalized Central Intelligence Agency (itself cut by 70% starting with the drone assassination program and offshore smuggling networks).
If the President does not do these things, I am told that no fewer than four billionaires, all of them holding Sheldon Adelson in deep disdain, are discussing Plan B — an alternative to Trump in the primaries and no, it is not John Kasich.
The evidence of a planned war against Iran in April May is now compelling.
I pray the President emerges in March from his Zionist cocoon. He is being shlonged by the Zionists, who call him our “shiksa-in-chief” (essentially, our #1 whore to be abused in any way they see fit) at the same time that they are worshipping at the altar of King Jared, the false Messiah.
The President may still be in top form and playing the Zionists for fools, but the base in worried (Ann Coulter being the bottom feeder within the base). We need arrests and tribunals, we need to see Kushner and his wife, Bolton and his staff, expelled from the White House, we need to see #UNRIG, we need to see grand strategy and holistic open intelligence.
Killer or loser? Right now, the President is looking like a loser.
Please Mr. President,
dump the losers,
be the killer that puts America First.
Semper Fidelis,
Robert David Steele
RELATED (and Censored by GoogleNews):
Robert Steele, “Review: The Future is Asian (and Russia is 80% Asian),” Russian International Affairs Council, 24 February 2019. PBI BackUp
Robert Steele, “Is Ilhan Omar Cynthia McKinney 2.0?: Will the Zionist Parasite Be Purged from the USA This Time?” American Herald Tribune, 18 February 2019 PBI BackUp
Robert Steele with Javad Heirannia, “Understanding Donald Trump and the White House: A few books,” Tehran Times, 13 February 2019. PBI BackUp
Robert Steele with Javad Heirannia, “U.S. Director of National Intelligence: Iran, China, Russia Interfering with U.S. Elections. Seriously?” Tehran Times, 1 February 2019. PBI BackUp
Robert Steele with Javad Heirannia, “Who is winning in USA? Trump or Pelosi? Was a coup averted? What is next?,” Tehran Times, 23 January 2019. PBI BackUp
Robert Steele with Mohammad Ghaderi & Javad Heirannia, “Trump will be re-elected/ Zionists not Russians are the enemy/ Kushner must go: Steele,” Tehran Times, 14 January 2019. PBI BackUp
UPDATE 1: Worst Case from a Christian Observer
- Trump is not being blackmailed. Though I wish he was.
- Trump is a Zionist Masonic cut out for a new world order based out of Tel Aviv.
- He is basically being used as a current day John the Baptist to bring in The Jewish Messiah probably Jared Kushner.
- He won’t self destruct if delusional Zionist Christians continue to give him full support. The Scofeld Bible brought to them by Zionist Cyrus Scofeld and promoted by hard core Zionist Samuel Untermeyer has brainwashed many evangelicals.
- Jared is Jewish and probably gay. Many theologians believe Bible says the Antichrist will be Jewish and gay.
- The Antichrist will be a politician determined to make Israel the center of world power. To literally rule the world. They believe that is their chosen mandate vis the Talmud.
- All of this created through
— Ww1ww2
— Balfour declaration
— Fall of the Ottoman Empire
— Rise of the Nazis
— Persecution of the the Jews with Zionist complicity forcing the move to Palestine
— Rise of Israel as a nuclear state.
— The rebuilding of the temple and the anointing of their false messiah our prophesied Antichrist . - At this point the Jews have already dedicated the sacrificial stone for the altar.
- This whole situation is so bizarre it’s difficult for a normal human without deep scripture study to understand what’s happening.
- Chabad is a doomsday cult! Kushner is a Chabadist and a Kabbalist. Kabbalists are Satanic.
- May God have mercy on us!
UPDATE 2: Has Trump Cut a Deal with Bush & Clinton Crime Families?
The link below is so important it will receive its own dedicated post tomorrow, but it cannot wait — it has also been copied by the Millenium Report.
State of the Nation: Trump Enters Uneasy Truce with Deep State