Chuck Spinney: Deadly Blowback from Neo-Imperial Wars (Terrorism and Illegal Immigration) Place Europe at Risk

Last September 11, I posted an essay that argued the refugee flows triggered by the aftermath of our interventions in the Middle East were mutating, whether by design or by accident, into grand strategic weapon of mass destruction.  My argument was limited to the flows within the Middle East, but as I implied, they were …

Mongoose: How Eisenhower Solved Illegal Immigration with 1,075 Border Patrol Agents (Hint: He Castrated Employers of Illegals and Their Political Pals)

How Eisenhower solved illegal border crossings from Mexico Christian Science Monitor, 6 July 2006 Fifty-three years ago, when newly elected Dwight Eisenhower moved into the White House, America’s southern frontier was as porous as a spaghetti sieve. As many as 3 million illegal migrants had walked and waded northward over a period of several years …

Worth a Look: Books on Mexico and the United States — DHS, NAFTA, Border, Immigration, Merged Cultures & Bandit Zones

2015 A Narco History: How the United States and Mexico Jointly Created the “Mexican Drug War” The “War Against Drugs”: who started it, and why? What are its consequences in real terms, not mere statistics, for the people most affected by it? One hundred thousand deaths later-with the vast majority of those killed innocent citizens, …

Anthony Judge: African Immigration Forced Into Europe — 12 Strategic Questions for European Leaders

12 Strategic Questions for Europe Regarding Forced Immigration from Africa in the light of the continuing influx and the associated fatalities Produced in a month in which it is estimated that more than 10,000 migrants embarked for Italy, and following a week of unprecedented immigrant fatalities, notably evoking an appeal by Pope Francis to the …

Owl: Political Cover-Up of Epidemic Potential of Illegal Aliens – Medical Staff at Immigration Camps Threatened with Arrest

Medical Brown Shirts in America “”A government-contracted security force threatened to arrest doctors and nurses if they divulged any information about the contagion threat at a refugee camp housing illegal alien children at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas,” reports Todd Starnes of Fox News. The truth about the infectious diseases being carried …