SPECIAL: Bill Binney Letter to AG Jefferson Sessions in May 2017 Breaking Open the NSA Database Against Traitors, Pedophiles, and White Collar Criminals

With the permission of Bill Binney, who is to NSA as I am to CIA, the below letter is provided to the public for information. We have redacted two sensitive sentences and contact information. There is a great deal more that could be done.  NSA did not contact Bill and NSA does not have a …

Robert Steele: Zionist Strike 37 – US Senate Select Intelligence Committee Probing Israeli Interference in 2016 Election — Probably Using NSA’s Parallel Construction Investigation Ordered by Attorney General…

Israel’s interference in 2016 US election to be probed by Senators American lawmakers have summoned a British security consultant to probe Israel’s role in alleged Russian interference with the 2016 election, which has been the subject of a two-year long FBI investigation. The Senate Intelligence Committee is seeking an interview with Walter Soriano, director of …

Robert Steele: Counterintelligence Failure by CIA and NSA in Venezuela UPDATE 1

La plus grande défaite de la CIA depuis des décennies The greatest defeat of CIA in two decades Valentin Vasilescu ReseauInternational.net It is only now that the Americans have learned that all the opposition groups of the Caracas regime have been infiltrated by agents of the SEIN counterintelligence. Full translation, comment, and GRU video below …

Zero Hedge: Paul Craig Roberts on Bill Binney, Patriot & Whistle-Blower on NSA Spying (for Blackmail) on Everyone of Consequence

Paul Craig Roberts: The National Security Agency Is A Criminal Organization Binney turned whistleblower, because NSA was using the program to spy on Americans. As Binney was well known to the US Congress, he did not think he needed any NSA document to make his case. But what he found out was: “Congress would never …

Event: NSA & The Road to 9/11: Lessons Learned and Unlearned CATO DC Tuesday 4 September 2018 1000-1200 Luncheon Buffet to Follow – C-SPAN Present

The NSA and the Road to 9/11: Lessons Learned and Unlearned Featuring William Binney, Former Crypto-Mathematician, NSA; Kirk Wiebe, Former Senior Analyst, NSA; Edward Loomis, Former Computer Systems Analyst, NSA; Thomas Drake, Former Senior Executive Service Member, NSA; and Diane Roark, Former Professional Staff Member, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence; moderated by Patrick Eddington, …