Paul Craig Roberts: American Leadership Discredited — Will a New Leader Step Forward?

American Leadership Is Discredited — Will a New Leader Step Forward? The alliance between Israel and the neoconservatives is causing a war. The solution is a countervailing alliance that brings the warmongers to their senses. Trump, Pompeo, political generals, rapture evangelism, and presstitutes are simultaneously discrediting the US government, the US military, Christianity, and giving …

Paul Craig Roberts: Trump Protects Genocidal Zionists

Trump Has Given Israel Immunity To International Law In the US the Israel Lobby has attempted to have the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act, the Israel Anti-Boycott Act, and the Strengthening America’s Security in the Middle East Act passed. However these acts clearly violate Constitutionally-protected free speech and protest, and Congress, although happy to please the Israel …

Paul Craig Roberts: Udo Ulfkotte’s Book Exposing CIA Control of Western Journalism Now Available in English

Udo Ulfkotte’s Book Exposing CIA Control of Western Journalism Now Available in English The Editor-in-Chief and the CIA The clandestine cooperation between Western intelligence services and the media has been known for decades and is well documented. The following case shows just how closely and comprehensively even leading European journalists have been cooperating with secret services …

Paul Craig Roberts: False Flag – The Coverup of President John F. Kennedy’s Assassination Is Wearing Thin

The Coverup of President John F. Kennedy’s Assassination Is Wearing Thin All available evidence points to the CIA and the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, with the cooperation of the Secret Service, as the murderers of President Kennedy.  Fifty-six years after the murder of President Kennedy, the US government still refuses to release the documents …