Do White People Have A Future?
The Saker thinks not—
It is difficult to disagree with him. There is so much evidence on his side:
Read collection of links collated by Paul Craig Roberts.
ROBERT STEELE: There is absolutely no question but that genocide has been carried out against people of color but the same is true of campaigns against white people, labeled “poor white trash” by the elite. There is no race war to speak of despite the persistent discrimination against black people specifically and people of color generally. What we are in is a CLASS WAR — the 1% seeking to divide and conquer and subdue the 99%.
I am tired of loosely educated people parroting whatever crap meme they have been given. Past Presidents (and Congresses) have been bribed and blackmailed into allowing the public to be drugged up and dumbed down. We are paying that price now. The people in the street are both paid and stupid. We allowed this to happen by abdicating our responsibility for being informed engaged citizens. We allowed “bread and circus” bribes (and active subversion by the FBI and CIA and Hollywood and government-provided drugs, small children, and alcohol and entertainment including a massive porn industry) to gut the public sensibility.
There is a lot of work to do. We can start by refusing to put up with all the anti-white bullshit. Black patriots and white patriots all bleed red. Anyone not a patriot can leave….this is not going to end well for the seditionist traitors.
See Also:
2008 ELECTION 2008: Lipstick on the Pig
PRINT: Steele, Robert, EYES ONLY: For the President (and the Public): Everything The Deep State Does Not Want You to Know (Trump Revolution 43) (Amazon CreateSpace, Earth Intelligence Network, October 2019)
KINDLE: Steele, Robert, EYES ONLY: For the President (and the Public): Everything the Deep State Does Not Want You to Know (Trump Revolution 43) (Amazon Kindle, Earth Intelligence Network, October 2019)
KINDLE: Steele, Robert, The Second American Revolution: Reflections on the Near Future (Trump Revolution Book 37), Amazon Kindle, Earth Intelligence Network, 21 May 2019.
FREE ONLINE: Robert Steele: The Second American Revolution – Reflections on the Near Future UPDATE 2
PRINT: Steele, Robert, TRUMP vs. THE DEEP STATE: Recent Reflections of a Former US Spy & Marine Corps Officer (Trump Revolution Book 35) (Amazon CreateSpace, Earth Intelligence Network, August 2019)
KINDLE: Steele, Robert. TRUMP vs. THE DEEP STATE: Recent Reflections of a Former US Spy & Marine Corps Officer (Trump Revolution Book 35), Amazon Kindle, Earth Intelligence Network, 1 May 2019
KINDLE: Steele, Robert. REVOLUTION NOW!: Thinking About Revolution in the USA (Trump Revolution Book 23). Amazon Kindle, Earth Intelligence Network, January 31, 2018.
FREE ONLINE: 2011 Thinking About Revolution
KINDLE: Steele, Robert. Healing the Self & Healing the World: The Open Source Way (Trump Revolution Book 14). Amazon Kindle, Earth Intelligence Network, September 12, 2017.
FREE ONLINE: Robert Steele: Healing the Self & Healing the World – The Open Source Way (Trump Revolution 14)
KINDLE: Steele, Robert with Cynthia McKinney. #UNRIG: Beyond Trump & Sanders (Trump Revolution Book 11). Amazon Kindle, May 19, 2017.
FREE ONLINE: Robert Steele: #UNRIG – Beyond Trump & Sanders (Trump Revolution 11)
KINDLE: Steele, Robert. THE SPEECH [Annotated Edition] – Can Donald Trump Triumph Over the Deep State? Amazon Kindle, March 12, 2017
FREE ONLINE: Robert Steele: THE SPEECH [Annotated Edition] by Donald Trump (Trump Revolution 09)
KINDLE: Steele, Robert. Democracy Riots! We are all black now – deal with it!, Amazon Kindle, March 22, 2016.
FREE ONLINE: Robert Steele: Democracy Riots – We are all black now, deal with it! (Trump Revolution 02)