Matt Ehret: Planck vs Russell: The Battle Over Causality in the 20th Century

Many people are unaware that two separate and incompatible currents of science which have shaped western civilization.  Because of this ignorance, a terrible inability to assess how and why an oligarchy has managed to take over controlling positions of power across western governments since the assassination of John F. Kennedy in 1963. This veil of …

Matt Ehret: The Plasma Universe and Max Planck’s Musical Space-Time Revisited

  Near the end of 2019, signals arrived to Earth from the Voyager 2 spacecraft which have shaken the foundations of modern physics, and brought into question what are the forces and principles shaping the space time of stars within galaxies (and implicitly galaxies within clusters of galaxies). The data which NASA scientists received from …

Matt Ehret: Why Must Aesthetics Govern A Society Worthy Of Political Freedom?

In the mid-1990s, a series of exposés featured on the London Independent and elsewhere brought a dark secret to light. Many were startled by the revelation that the entire evolution of 20th century modern art was directed in large measure by the CIA! This not only included the direct financing of abstract painters like Jackson …

Matt Ehret: A Journey with Jeff J. Brown Through China’s History, Political-economy and Culture

In our first official Rising Tide Foundation Podcast, Cynthia Chung and I had the good fortune to interview China Rising Radio’s Jeff J. Brown on all things China. In this extensive discussion, Jeff goes through the historic voyages of Admiral Zheng He generations before Columbus which brought commerce, culture and trade to Africa, Europe and …

Matt Ehret: The Chinese-Russian-Iranian Alliance Ushers in a New Hope for the Middle East

The Chinese-Russian-Iranian Alliance Ushers in a New Hope for the Middle East As the USA continues its lunge into the abyss of obsolescence, under the new Don Quixote-modelled leadership of Joe Biden, Russia and China have accelerated the next phase of Middle East reconstruction and stabilization this week with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi’s March …

Matt Ehret: The Art of Political Lying (or the 1688 Origins of the British Deep State)

DO NOT MISS THE #UNRIG TRUTH TOUR!  15 May to 6 September — EPIC! With idle tales this fills our empty ears; The next reports what from the first he hears; The rolling fictions grow in strength and size, Each author adding to the former lies. Here vain credulity, with new desires, Leads us …

Matt Ehret: Understanding the Tri-fold Nature of the Deep State

Not that long ago the United States came close to total dissolution. The financial system was bankrupt, speculation had run amok, and all infrastructure had fallen into disarray over the course of 30 years of unbroken free trade. To make matters worse, the nation was on the verge of a civil war and international financiers …