Jon Rappoport: Fake Medical

Explosive: a quick review of fake medical diagnostic tests Over the years, during my investigations of deep medical fraud, I’ve uncovered diagnostic tests that are wrong-headed, misleading, and fallacious. Read specifics.

Sepp Hasslberger: Multiple sclerosis is curable Lyme disease — lies & fraud abound

Multiple Sclerosis and other neurological illnesses could be cured … but the bacterial cause – Borrelia Burgdorferi is actively denied by pharmaceutical medicine. A scandal of the first order, one might say. Multiple sclerosis is Lyme disease: Anatomy of a cover-up Perhaps the biggest ongoing medical scandal of the past hundred years is the fact …

Owl: CDC Fraud on Global Scale? The Ebola Bubble… Questioning the Intelligence and the Integrity of “Dr.” Anthony Fauci

So It Begins: the Rush is On to Vaccinate Everyone (Except the.01%) Against Ebola Future historians may start the clock on when major repression of the people of the world using biologicals began when Dr. Anthony Fauci called for compulsory ebola vaccination, as mentioned here: “Two days ago, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the U.S. …

Owl: CNN caught red handed covering up CDC medical genocide of African-American babies

Mike Adams has more on the CNN coverup of the story on vaccines and autism by the CDC. It is evident from what Adams says this coverup is another initiative to help the eugenics cause. Bill Gates and CNN founder, Ted Turner, both major eugenics proponents, should be very happy with CNN (my emphasis below): …

John Rappoport: Exclusive Interview with Sharyl Attkisson, Benghazi & Fast & Furious, CDC Swine Flu Fraud, on Corruption in Media Including Wikipedia

Exclusive: an interview with investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson Before her recent resignation from CBS, Sharyl Attkisson was a mainstream news star. Multiple Emmys. CNN anchor, CBS anchor on stories about space exploration. Host of CBS’ News Up to the Minute. PBS host for Health Week. Investigative reporter for CBS. Attkisson dug deep into Fast&Furious, Benghazi, and …

Jon Rappoport: US Pharma Kills More Than All Wars — US Medical Systems Kills 225,000 People a Year

Shocker: Comparing deaths from medical drugs, vitamins, all US wars People want to believe medical science gives us, at any given moment, the best of all possible worlds. And of course, the best of all possible worlds must have its enemies: the quacks who sell unproven snake oil. So let’s look at some facts. As …