Jon Rappoport: Mass Shootings and Psychiatric Drugs

Mass shootings and psychiatric drugs: the connection I’ve been tracking the connection since 1999, when I wrote a long white paper, for the Truth Seeker Foundation, on school shootings and psychiatric drugs. The paper was titled: “Why Do They Do It? School shootings Across America.” The drugs aren’t the only causative factor, but they produce …

Zero Hedge: CIA MK-ULTRA Mind Control Victims File Class Action Lawsuit

“Their Lives Were Ruined”: Victims Of CIA MK-Ultra Brainwashing Plan Class-Action Suit Survivors and families of those who were affected by Project MK-Ultra, also called the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) mind control program, administered at McGill University’s Allan Memorial Institute in Montreal are preparing a class-action lawsuit against the Quebec and federal governments because …

James Fetzer: The Parkland False Flag & The Execution of Alex Jones

Parkland was 100% False Flag. Here’s a short take on how it was done: VIDEO: The Parkland Puzzle: How the Pieces Fit Together (38:47, 23 March 2018). This one will help National Rifle Association (NRA) get a grip on reality. VIDEO: JIM FETZER “Think Tank” (4-4-18) **How To Spot A False Flag** (2:15:47, 6 March …