Chuck Spinney: US Insanity in Ukraine – See the Historical Maps –We Should Not Be Meddling

The Obama Administration, with the support of the NATO, the EU, the NeoCons, and the mainstream media is stumbling blindly towards a New Cold War with Russia over Ukraine. The Military – Industrial – Congressional Complex (MICC) feeding off the Pentagon’s budget is preparing for another boom in defense spending triggered by the resurrection of …

Answers: Steele for NATO Strategic Foresight

My preliminary contributions to the NATO Strategic Foresight Online Workshop. I have no appointment or connection to NATO or the Transformation Command. This workshop is open to the public without restriction. Characteristics of the Future Threats & Possibilities Economic Considerations Environmental Considerations Human Considerations I & II Political Considerations Technology Considerations Strategic Foresight I & …

Robert Parry: Daniel Lazare on Why Islamic State is Winning

Why Islamic State Is Winning Exclusive: The Saudi-Israeli alliance and U.S. neocons have pressured President Obama into continuing U.S. hostility toward the secular Syrian government despite major military gains by the Islamic State and Al-Qaeda’s Nusra Front, leading to an emerging catastrophe in the Mideast, as Daniel Lazare explains.

Robert Parry: The Day After Damascus Falls

The Day After Damascus Falls Exclusive: The Saudi-Israeli alliance has gone on the offensive, ramping up a “regime change” war in Syria and, in effect, promoting a military victory for Al-Qaeda or its spinoff, the Islamic State. But the consequences of that victory could toll the final bell for the American Republic, writes Robert Parry.

Robert Parry: Neocon, R2P Hypocrisy

Neocons, R2Pers and Hypocrisy Exclusive: R2Pers say America has a “responsibility to protect” endangered people around the world, but this R2P moral imperative is selective, often indistinguishable from neocons tolerating some slaughters and choosing to wage war against certain enemies — just dressed up in liberal rhetoric, reports Robert Parry.