Daniel Ellsberg: Secrecy vs. Whistleblowing in a Democracy

Secreacy and National Security Whistleblowing Daniel Ellsberg Huffington Post repritned from Social Research, 13 January 2013 I) Reflections on Secret-keeping and Identity In the “national security” area of the government — the White House, the departments of state and defense, the armed services and the “intelligence community,” along with their contractors — there is less …

Tom Atlee: Citizen Wisdom Councils – OUR Treasure

An unsung treasure for facilitators and civilizations Back in the mid-90’s I discovered Jim Rough’s Wisdom Council formathttp://www.co-intelligence.org/P-wisdomcouncil.html and began promoting it through my network as a way to increase the co-intelligence of a community. I loved the design of it – every 3-12 months randomly selecting one or two dozen ordinary people to reflect …

John Steiner: Idle No More — Indigenous Uprising Sweeping Across North America?

Idle No More: Indigenous Uprising Sweeps North America Idle No More has organized the largest mass mobilizations of indigenous people in recent history. What sparked it off and what’s coming next? It took weeks of protests, flash mobs, letters, rallies, and thousands of righteous tweets, but Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper finally caved. He agreed …

Owl: Open Season on Gun Advocates — Is There a Domestic Covert Action Program Underway that Includes Individual Assassinations and Staged Mass Murders?

Gun Makers on Obama’s “Red List”? According to some observers, several well-known manufactures of guns have died recently, and in one case, police declare the death a homicide. “John Noveske is one of the most celebrated battle rifle manufacturers in America. His rifles, found at www.NoveskeRifleworks.com are widely recognized as some of the finest pieces …

Tom Atlee: Sandy Hook Reflections on Social Madness & Healing

Dear friends, My friend and colleague Miki Kashtan has written a compelling article exploring the interconnectedness of personal, community and social dimensions of the Sandy Hook crisis,  “Adam Lanza and All of Us.”  I highly recommend the whole article, but for the purposes of this commentary, I want to highlight this excerpt: “I see violence, …